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By: W. Randall, MD

Co-Director, California Northstate University College of Medicine

For example anxiety symptoms while sleeping emsam 5 mg sale, urge incontinence is often associated with true cystitis or urinary infection anxiety symptoms visual disturbances order emsam australia. Symptoms the symptoms and signs of cystitis are painful and frequent micturition anxiety 9 year old boy buy 5mg emsam visa, pain over the bladder anxiety untreated buy emsam master card, strangury and passage of pus in the urine. As the bladder fills up with urine, its sensitive inflamed mucous membrane causes pain and a desire to micturate. Pain is also experienced at the end of the act of micturition when the adjacent inflamed surfaces of the bladder come into contact. Frequency of micturition may be extreme, the patient having to pass urine every 15 min. The symptoms of acute cystitis are severe, and patients are deprived of sleep and soon become exhausted. A persistent high temperature is usually due to infection ascending to the kidney, causing pyelonephritis when constitutional symptoms are more marked and rigours may occur. With pyelonephritis, the kidney is always tender to palpation in the costovertebral angle, and the patient will complain of pain localized to the loin which radiates down the ureter into the lower quadrant of the abdomen. In chronic cystitis, pain and strangury are less prominent symptoms, but frequency of micturition and pyuria are always present. Chronic cystitis may persist for months or even years without causing symptoms and signs other than frequency of micturition and pyuria. These microorganisms neither cause urethritis unless the urethral tissues are damaged nor spread upwards to the bladder unless they are transported by catheterization. However gentle and meticulously aseptic the technique, no matter of what material the catheter is constructed, once it has been passed there is a danger of infection. As the catheter is almost an integral part of all deliveries and of all gynaecological operations, the incidence of cystitis must be accepted at a figure in the region of 80%, understandably highest in those patients requiring frequent catheterization or an indwelling catheter. The logical answer is to abolish the use of catheters as a routine preoperative measure in minor pelvic surgery and only to use them when strictly indicated, in which case a urinary antiseptic is a prudent prophylactic precaution. Another method of infection of the bladder is by a descending infection from the kidney, such as may occur with renal tuberculosis and chronic pyelonephritis. Organisms may also reach the bladder from adjacent structures such as an inflamed cervix and parametritic infections. The bladder may perhaps be infected by way of the bloodstream, and in other cases by lymphatic spread from the genitalia or the bowel. Gonococcal cystitis is relatively rare and almost invariably follows instrumentation. This organism is now supposed to attack the bladder secondarily to an original infection by other organisms and subsequently to overgrow and replace the primary infection. Difficulty may be experienced in distinguishing between acute urethritis and acute cystitis. In acute urethritis, harm may be done by catheterization or cystoscopy, since the instrumentation may carry infection to the bladder. Urethritis can be diagnosed by massaging the urethra against the back of the symphysis pubis, when pus will be expressed from the external meatus. Another simple method of distinguishing between acute urethritis and cystitis is the three-glass test, when in urethritis the third specimen will be clear of pus, but more contaminated with pus in cystitis. Treatment Cystitis must be treated by the administration of large quantities of fluids by mouth, at least 2. In the acute phase, the patient must stay in bed and some relief may be obtained by the application of a hot water bottle over the bladder region. Large quantities of citrates should be given by Chapter 17 Diseases of the Urinary System mouth, as much as 3 g of potassium citrate being given three to four times a day. The organisms which have been cultured are as a routine tested for sensitivity against the various antibiotics, and the bacteriological report will indicate which drug should be used for a given patient. Drugs such as norfloxacin/ciprofloxacin/pefloxacin/and sparfloxacin in appropriate doses have been found to be very effective, and are amongst the first-line drugs selected by clinicians in present-day practice. Sexually transmitted diseases caused by the gonococcus, Chlamydia trachomatis, Trichomonas, Candida and certain viruses may lead to this disorder. The lower urethra is usually affected, as vulvovaginitis is a common accompaniment. Honeymoon cystitis is a distinct clinical entity following coital injury to the urethra and the bladder base. Menopausal women suffer from thinning of the vaginal epithelium and urethral lining due to oestrogen deficiency; these women are susceptible to trauma and infection which may lead to urethritis.

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Precipitating factors include chromosomal anxiety 7 minute test 5 mg emsam with mastercard, genetic anxiety symptoms eye pain buy emsam 5mg overnight delivery, and metabolic abnormalities; infections (toxoplasmosis anxiety 40 weeks pregnant purchase generic emsam from india, rubella anxiety 9 months postpartum order emsam 5mg with mastercard, cytomegalovirus, herpes); and exposure to irradiation, certain drugs, and maternal illness during pregnancy. In a meningocele, the spinal canal and cystic meninges are exposed on the back, but the underlying spinal cord is anatomically and functionally intact. In spina bifida occulta, the skin of the back is apparently intact, but defects of the underlying bone or spinal canal are present. Meningoceles and spina bifida occulta may be associated with a lipoma, dermoid cyst, or tethering of the cord to a thick filum terminale. Patients may also have an associated dermoid sinus, an epithelial tract extending from the skin surface to the meninges; this increases the risk of meningitis. Patients with spina bifida occulta or meningocele may have weakness and numbness in the feet that can result in recurrent ulcerations, or difficulties controlling bowel or bladder function that may result in recurrent urinary tract infections, reflux nephropathy, and renal insufficiency. In diastematomyelia, a bone spicule or fibrous band divides the spinal cord into two longitudinal sections. An associated lipoma that infiltrates the cord and tethers it to the vertebrae may be present. After birth, screening ultrasound may be used with magnetic resonance imaging to confirm less dramatic underlying spinal abnormalities. Toddlers and children with lower spinal cord dysfunction require physical therapy, bracing of the lower extremities, and intermittent bladder catheterization. In the absence of associated brain anomalies, most survivors have normal intelligence, but learning problems and epilepsy are more common than in the general population. Spina bifida can be prevented in many cases by folate administration to the pregnant mother. Because the defect occurs so early in gestation, all women of childbearing age are advised to take oral folic acid daily. Treatment and Prevention Defective closure of the caudal neural tube at the end of week 4 of gestation results in anomalies of the lumbar and sacral vertebrae or spinal cord called spina bifida. The latter severe defect, called a myelomeningocele, results Defective closure of the rostral neural tube produces anencephaly or encephaloceles. Neonates with anencephaly have a rudimentary brainstem or midbrain, but no cortex or cranium. Patients with encephalocele usually have a skull defect and exposure of meninges alone or meninges and brain. Within a family, an anencephalic birth may be followed by the birth of a child affected with a lumbosacral myelomeningocele. Agenesis of the corpus callosum may be partial or complete and may occur in an isolated fashion or in association with other anomalies of cellular migration. Dandy-Walker malformation is diagnosed on the basis of the classic triad: complete or partial agenesis of the cerebellar vermis, cystic dilation of the fourth ventricle, and enlarged posterior fossa. There may be associated hydrocephalus, absence of the corpus callosum, and neuronal migration abnormalities. Intelligence may be normal or impaired, depending on the degree of associated cerebral dysgenesis. Holoprosencephaly represents varying degrees of failure of the forebrain (prosencephalon) to divide into two distinct cerebral hemispheres. Holoprosencephaly is often associated with midline facial defects (hypotelorism, cleft lip, cleft palate). This anomaly may be isolated or associated with a chromosomal or genetic disorder. The prognosis for infants with severe (alobar) holoprosencephaly is uniformly poor, but those with milder forms (semilobar, or lobar) may have less severe neurological outcomes. Children with trisomy 13 and trisomy 18 characteristically have varying degrees of holoprosencephaly. Hydranencephaly is a condition in which the brain presumably develops normally, but then is destroyed by an intrauterine, probably vascular, insult. Children may have a normal external appearance at the time of birth, but do not achieve developmental milestones. Macrocrania (increased skull thickness) Achondroplasia Hypochondroplasia Fragile X syndrome Osteopetrosis Chronic, severe anemia Hydrocephalus (enlargement of the ventricles; see Chapter 184) Masses Cysts Arteriovenous malformations Subdural fluid collections/hematoma Neoplasm Megalencephaly (enlargement of the brain) Embryologic disorder causing abnormal proliferation of brain tissue Neurofibromatosis Tuberous sclerosis Sturge-Weber syndrome Sotos syndrome Riley-Smith syndrome Hemi-megalencephaly Accumulation of abnormal metabolic substances Alexander disease Canavan disease Gangliosidoses Mucopolysaccharidoses Benign causes Benign extracerebral collections of infancy Familial macrocephaly Macrocephaly and Microcephaly Macrocephaly represents a head circumference above the 97th percentile and may be the result of macrocrania (increased skull thickness), hydrocephalus (enlargement of the ventricles; see Chapter 184), or megalencephaly (enlargement of the brain). Megalencephaly may be the result of a significant disorder of brain development or an accumulation of abnormal metabolic substances (Table 1871).

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Prolapse of genital tract and stress incontinence of urine and faeces are mostly menopausal related anxiety symptoms questionnaire buy 5 mg emsam fast delivery. Hot flushes are the waves of vasodilation affecting the face and the neck and these last for 2 min each anxiety symptoms jaw pain order emsam 5 mg mastercard. Several of these flushes occur in a day anxiety symptoms heart flutter discount emsam 5 mg with visa, but are more severe during the night anxiety treatment without medication buy emsam 5mg on-line, and can disturb sleep. Mental depression due to disturbed sleep or otherwise, irritability and lack of concentration are noticed. With passage of time, the frequency and severity of flushes diminish over a period of 1 years. Hot flushes are caused by noradrenaline, which disturbs the thermoregulatory system. Oestrogen deficiency reduces hypothalamic endorphins, which release more norepinephrine and serotonin. Other causes that can be associated with the symptom of hot flushes include: thyroid disease, epilepsy, pheochromocytoma, carcinoid syndromes, autoimmune disorders, mast cell disorders, insulinoma, pancreatic tumours and even leukemias. The vasomotor symptoms are more severe in surgical menopause than natural menopause. Neurological Depression, loss of memory, irritability, poor concentration and tiredness. Late Sequelae Menopausal women with chronic oestrogen deficiency are liable to develop the following: n n n n n n n n Other Symptoms Some women develop a condition of pseudocyesis, when they fear pregnancy and attribute amenorrhoea and increased abdominal girth to pregnancy. It is an incipient slowly progressing skeletal disorder characterized by microarchitectural deterioration of bone mass resulting in increased fragility and predilection to fracture in the absence of significant trauma. About 15% of elderly women suffer from osteoporosis and almost three times as many suffer from osteopenia (deficient bone mass). These constitute a significant cause of morbidity such as pain, deformity and impaired respiratory and other bodily functions. Neurological Vasomotor symptoms and paraesthesia take the form of sensations of pins and needles in the extremities. Libido Sexual feeling and libido may increase in some, if they feel happy to get rid of menstruation and fear of pregnancy. Many however notice decreased libido after menopause (15%; lack of orgasm and arousal. The stress incontinence is caused by poor vascularity and tone of the internal urinary sphincter. Genital Atrophic vagina reduces the vaginal secretion, and dry vagina can cause dyspareunia. Chapter 5 Perimenopause, Menopause, Premature Menopause and Postmenopausal Bleeding With increasing longevity of women in India, the medical practitioners will be called upon more often to care for osteoporosis-related problems. Osteoporosis is defined as a condition in which there is a fall in bone mass exceeding 2. At the cellular level, bone remodelling is a balance between bone resorption (osteoclastic activity) and bone formation (osteoblastic activity) while the main functions of the osteocytes and lining cells are metabolic, subserving the nutrition of bone and the maintenance of calcium homeostasis. Thereafter, slow subsequent age-related loss of bone mass occurs in everyone at the rate of 0. Oestrogen deficiency is the dominating factor contributing to osteoporosis in women. Additional contributing factors such as calcium and vitamin D deficiency also need consideration. Elderly women suffer from vertebral fractures leading to gibbus formation, a bent spine and shortening of height. This technique detects bone loss of as little as 1% compared to plain radiography, which shows loss of bone mass only at 30% loss. Oestrogen deficiency therefore can cause atherosclerosis, ischaemic heart disease and myocardial infarction. Obese women with hypertension and previous thromboembolic episodes are liable to cardiovascular accidents. However, it is observed that after a few months the skin actually thins out, and oestrogen cream may be beneficial temporarily and only in the initial phase of treatment. Giving hormone later is not effective: n n n n n n Family history of osteoporosis. It is now believed that even if the ovaries are conserved, the disturbance in their vascularity leads to ovarian atrophy.

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Tooth decay Keratoconjunctivitis anxiety symptoms tinnitus purchase emsam 5 mg fast delivery, cataract acute anxiety 5 letters order emsam with a mastercard, glaucoma and macular degeneration Ano-colonic cancer and teeth decay are known to increase after menopause anxiety questions buy emsam 5 mg otc. Mild virilization as seen in the form of hirsutism is probably adrenal in origin anxiety in college students order emsam 5 mg with mastercard, as also is obesity, especially the deposit of fat around the hips. Years after menopause, a woman may develop senile pyometra caused by cervical stenosis, and needs drainage by cervical dilatation under general anaesthesia. Menopause caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy for cancer, especially alkylating agents (prophylactic). The type of hormone, route of administration and duration of treatment depend upon the purpose for which it is used, i. Most improve by the end of 6 months after which the woman usually gets adjusted and settles down well in the menopausal phase of life. The women with atherosclerosis, hypertriglyceridemia and ischaemic heart disease may benefit from cardioprotective effect of prophylactic oestrogen. They should be counselled regarding the benefit, side effects and the cost, and the need for periodic check up while on hormones. Certain contraindications to be noted for oestrogen therapy are as follows: n n Investigations Investigatory procedures are as follows: n n n n n n n n History of various symptoms. General examination includes blood pressure recording, palpation of the breasts, weight and hirsutism. Management the clinician should adopt a holistic approach towards management of health problems of menopausal women and selectively prescribe hormone therapy according to the requirement. It is the duty of the gynaecologist to convince her, after thorough examination and investigations, that all is well with her. Until menopause is well established and amenorrhoea has lasted for 12 months, the couple is advised to use barrier method. Progestogen pills or depot injections may be the alternative, but they cause irregular bleeding and depression. Antidepressant drugs-Venlafaxine 3050 mg daily, Paroxetine 100 mg daily, Gabapentin 300 mg three times a day. Rather cardiac disease, stroke and smoking may be the indications for oestrogen therapy to derive benefit and improve their health from oestrogen deficiency. Oestrogen is most effective when taken orally as far as its effect on lipid profile is concerned. Although earlier it was recommended in the perimenopausal age or soon after menopause, the poor compliance over a long period, the cost and the limited benefit of up to 80 years have now altered the decision by some gynaecologist to follow-up the woman with regular study of bone density mass and prescribe when osteopenia is observed. Natural oestrogen, progestogen, tibolone and raloxifene are beneficial in osteoporosis, if it occurs early in menopause. Osteoporosis occurring late in menopause benefits from bisphosphonates, as primary treatment. Oestrogen delays or protects against osteoporosis by 50% in all skeletal bones, and not restricted to trabecular bones of spine, wrist and upper hip bones. Short-term therapy is required to relieve the woman of hot flushes, night sweats, palpitations and disturbed sleep. Oestrogen should however be given in the smallest effective dose for a short possible period of 3 months. This therapy can still cause endometrial hyperplasia in 5% and atypical hyperplasia in 0. Because of this, some prefer to give a combined hormone therapy (Femet) containing 2 mg 17b-oestradiol and 1 mg of norethisterone acetate, which is known to cause endometrial atrophy. Dyspareunia, urethral syndrome and senile vaginitis respond well to local oestrogen cream, which is preferred to oral therapy. Oestriol base cream 1/2 g is applied every day for 102 days each month for a period of 3 months until the symptoms disappear. Estring (vaginal ring) releases 50 mcg oestrogen and is 90% effective over a period of 3 months. Long-term oestrogen therapy is beneficial in delaying osteoporosis and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease in a postmenopausal woman.

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