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By: B. Asaru, M.A.S., M.D.

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Lateral chiasmatic lesions produce nasal hemianopsia of the ipsilateral eye; those that impinge on the chiasm from both sides produce binasal defects rheumatoid arthritis in back and neck plaquenil 200mg with mastercard. Depending on their location rheumatoid arthritis lung cancer buy generic plaquenil 200mg on-line, retrochiasmatic lesions produce different types of homonymous unilateral scotoma: the defect may be congruent or incongruent arthritis and joint pain medicine order 200mg plaquenil mastercard, quadrantanopsia or hemianopsia arthritis in dogs back legs treatment cheap plaquenil 200mg amex. As a rule, temporal lesions cause contralateral superior quadrantanopsia, while parietal lesions cause contralateral inferior quadrantanopsia. Complete hemianopsia may be caused by a relatively small lesion of the optic tract or lateral geniculate body, or by a more extensive lesion more distally along the visual pathway. The patient suffers from "tunnel vision" but the central visual field remains intact (sparing of macular fibers). Cortical blindness refers to subnormal visual acuity due to bilateral retrogeniculate lesions. Visual Field Defects Visual field Directions tested Blind spot Test object Macular region Patient ca. Cranial Nerves 83 Oculomotor Function the visual axes of the eyes are directed straight ahead on primary gaze. The lateral and medial rectus muscles are responsible for horizontal eye movements. Vertical eye movements are subserved by the superior and inferior rectus as well as superior and inferior oblique muscles. The rectus muscles elevate and depress the eye when it is abducted, the oblique muscles when it is adducted. Impulses arising in the semicircular canals in response to rapid movement of the head induce reflex movement of the eyes in such a way as to stabilize the visual image (p. For example stimulation of the horizontal semicircular canal activates the ipsilateral medial rectus and contralateral lateral rectus muscles, while inhibiting the ipsilateral lateral rectus and contralateral medial rectus muscles. Fixation is active adjustment of the gaze (with or without the aid of eye movement) to keep a visualized object in focus. Saccades are rapid, jerky conjugate movements of the eyes that serve to adjust or set the point of fixation of an object on the fovea. Saccades may be spontaneous, reflexive (in response to acoustic, visual, or tactile stimuli), or voluntary; the rapid phase of nystagmus is a saccade. The speed, direction, and amplitude of a saccadic movement are determined before it is carried out and cannot be influenced voluntarily during its execution. Voluntary ocular pursuit can occur only when triggered by a moving visual stimulus. Conversely, fixation of the gaze on a resting object while the head is moving leads to gliding eye movements. Fixation-independent ocular pursuit also occurs during somnolence and the early stages of sleep ("floating" eye movements). Vergence movements (convergence and divergence) are mirror-image movements of the two eyes toward or away from the midline, evoked by movement of an object toward or away from the head in the sagittal plane. They serve to center the visual image on both foveae and are accompanied by an adjustment of the curvature of the lens (accommodation) to keep the object in focus. Saccades are produced by two parallel systems: Voluntary eye movements are subserved by the frontal system, which consists of the frontal eye fields (areas 4, 6, 8, 9), the supplementary eye field (area 6), the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (area 46), and a portion of the parietal cortex (area 7). Reflex eye movements are initiated in the visual cortex (area 17) and temporal lobe (areas 19, 37, 39) and modulated in the superior colliculus (collicular system). Vergence and accommodation are mediated by the pretectal area in the vicinity of the oculomotor nucleus. Peripheral Oculomotor Disturbances Weakness of an extraocular muscle results in diplopia, which is most pronounced in the direction of action of the affected muscle (p. The cause may be a lesion in the muscle itself, in the cranial nerve that supplies it, or in the cranial nerve nucleus. The more peripheral of the two images seen by the patient is always derived from the affected eye.

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These investigators also suggested that the acquisition by tumor cells of the ability to promote vascular proliferation is a critical step in tumorigenesis rheumatoid arthritis joints popping 200mg plaquenil with mastercard, because it is expected to confer on the tumor cells a growth advantage relative to normal cells (39) arthritis medication that starts with a p purchase genuine plaquenil. In 1948 rheumatoid arthritis joints locking up cheap 200mg plaquenil with amex, Michaelson (40) proposed that a diffusible angiogenic "factor X" produced by the retina is responsible for retinal and iris neovascularization that occurs in proliferative diabetic retinopathy and other retinal disorders rheumatoid arthritis ulnar drift effective 200 mg plaquenil, such as central retinal vein occlusion. In 1968, the first experiments to directly test the hypothesis that tumors produce angiogenic factors were performed. Greenblatt and Shubik (41) and Ehrmann and Knoth (42) demonstrated that transplantation of melanoma or choriocarcinoma cells promoted blood vessel proliferation even when a Millipore filter is interposed between the tumor and the host, thus providing evidence that tumor angiogenesis was mediated by diffusible factor(s) produced by the tumor cells. In 1971, Folkman (43) proposed that antiangiogenesis might be an effective approach to treat human cancer. These molecules all were shown to have activity in angiogenesis bioassays- either directly, by promoting endothelial cell proliferation or indirectly, via recruitment of inflammatory cells that could, in turn, release endothelial mitogens (45). Accordingly, it became clear that these molecules are not efficiently secreted and are mostly cell associated (46). Yet, as previously noted, earlier reports had pointed toward the involvement of diffusible factors in tumor angiogenesis (41, 42). Thus, the ability of growth factors to promote angiogenesis in in vitro or in vivo bioassays does not necessarily predict a role for such factors in physiological or pathological angiogenesis (57, 58). In 1989, Ferrara and Henzel (61) reported the isolation of a diffusible endothelial cell-specific mitogen from medium conditioned by bovine pituitary follicular cells, which they named "vascular endothelial growth factor" to reflect the restricted target cell specificity of this molecule. An issue that has been long debated is whether a correlation exists between vascular permeability and angiogenesis. It has been proposed that increase in microvascular permeability is a step necessary and sufficient for angiogenesis, by providing extravasation of fibrin, which represents a scaffold for endothelial cell proliferation and migration (107). For example, in background diabetic retinopathy, vascular leakage and fibrin deposition (108) may occur in the retina for decades before the onset of angiogenesis in the proliferative phase (109, 110). However, it could be matured by urokinase as a 38-kDa fragment able to promote endothelial cell proliferation (129). Oxygen tension Oxygen tension plays a key role in regulating the expression of a variety of genes (134). K-ras activation appeared to enhance Wnt signaling, which suggests an interaction between these two pathways (176). In this context, liver and pancreas morphogenesis is induced by endothelial cells before the establishment of a blood flow, indicating that a paracrine function of gut endothelial cells plays a critical role during organogenesis (218, 219). The key role of this receptor in developmental angiogenesis and hematopoiesis is evidenced by lack of vasculogenesis and failure to develop blood islands and organized blood vessels in Flk-1 null mice, resulting in death in utero between d 8. Several tyrosine residues have been shown to be phosphorylated (for review see Ref. Such treatment is also accompanied by rapid lethality, primarily due to inhibition of glomerular development leading to kidney failure (83). A, long-term administration of bevacizumab to cancer patients resulted in minimal kidney toxicity (36, 258). Cartilage, an avascular tissue, is replaced by bone in a process named endochondral ossification (259). Although proliferation, differentiation, and maturation of chondrocytes were apparently normal, resorption of hypertrophic chondrocytes was inhibited, resulting in a marked expansion of the hypertrophic chondrocyte zone. Angiogenesis in endocrine glands Angiogenesis is a key aspect of normal cyclical ovarian function. The process of selection of a dominant follicle in monovular species has been also associated with angiogenesis, as there is evidence that selected follicles possess a more elaborate microvascular network than other follicles (274). Subsequently, the blood vessels regress, suggesting the coordinated action of inducers as well as inhibitors of angiogenesis in the course of the ovarian cycle (276, 277). Interestingly, such an acquisition seems to be, at least in part, a late event in evolution and may reflect a greater functional/morphological complexity of organs like the ovary. Although rodents have served as models for endocrinology and ovarian physiology, clear differences exist between the rodent and human ovary. The length of the ovarian cycle also distinguishes the human or primate from the rodent. In humans the cycle is 28 d, and in rodents the cycle is completed every 4 d (293).

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Cutter (1996) 40 argues that women are more vulnerable due to their lower adaptive capacities arthritis diet vegan plaquenil 200 mg sale, fewer opportunities for adaptation arthritis in dogs products order plaquenil in india, and less access to information can arthritis in dogs cause incontinence generic plaquenil 200 mg with mastercard. Moreover rheumatoid arthritis bone spurs buy 200 mg plaquenil visa, rural women have higher levels of vulnerability than rural men due to their lower participation rates in institutional and economic dynamics and because rural women are also burdened by household responsibilities and parenting (Adger et. An effective agrarian adaptation system is one in which technology is available to those who are most in need; to the poor and the most vulnerable: women. Women are also more virtuous in that they are likely to be more environmentally friendly and are they are usually more willing to take risks than are their male counterparts. Women are more prepared to change behaviors and are more inclined to support new policies and techniques to save or protect the environments around them (Arora-Jonsson, 2009). While assessing the impacts of climate change on agriculture and projecting the future conditions in terms of gender, it is critical to differentiate the impacts on women and men and to develop information that enables adaptation (Agarwal, 2010). This literature focuses around three major themes that compound the implications of gender for adaptation. Inequality in decisionmaking goes beyond selection of crops to plant and the timing of planting. These decisions affect adaptation to climate change and shape agricultural outcomes; they are driven by male-dominated power structures, especially in the developing world (Carr and Thompson, 2014). The second theme highlights the gendered disparities in access to land and land tenure (Quisumbing and Pandolfelli, 2008; Djoudi and Brockhaus, 2011). These disparities include the ability to purchase land and to access communally held or managed lands (Fletschner and Kenney 2011). These limitations have far-reaching consequences for agricultural productivity, which will, in most cases, diminish due to changing climates. Unequal entitlement to land affects agricultural outcomes and resilience, especially for women, and it will also impact their access to credit (Fletschner and Kenney 2011). Many small-holding farmers need credit to be able to purchase more climate change-resistant seeds and livestock varieties, agricultural tools, fertilizers, and other inputs. If women are denied such access, they will be more vulnerable than men (Ahmed and Fajber 2009). The third theme focuses on the differential agricultural practices and crop choices that are driven by gendered roles demonstrating how the differences present different 42 challenges and opportunities to different locations and in different environments (Ravera et al. These studies reveal that women often raise crops that are more sensitive to climate variability than do men. Since women are not usually the principal decisionmakers in their households or communities, the resulting vulnerabilities created by differential climate impacts are often not addressed by indigenous or traditional adaptation strategies (Carr and Thompson, 2014). The gap in the literature pertaining to conceptualization of gender is the power that masks questionable assumptions, for example the continued use of the categories of ``men' and ``women' in the context of gender vulnerability without empirical evidence to justify it. These prior assumptions that men are vulnerable, and women are more vulnerable to climate change are often relied upon without having evidence of vulnerabilities (Paavola and Adger, 2006; Reid and Vogel, 2006). Reliance on superficial categories may lead to results that fail to improve adaptation strategies. Income and Agricultural Adaptation the economic strength of farmers plays an important role in coping with and adaptation to environmental stress. Resourceful farmers are likely to be less vulnerable to climate-change impacts due to their enhanced mitigation capacities (Deressa et al. Financial resources allow them to cope and adapt using more diverse and better technologies (Deressa et al. A recent study found that there is a direct relationship between income and the likelihood of implementing more adaptation strategies and methods (Ali and Erenstein, 2017). Age and Adaptation in Agriculture Generally, the age of farmers reflects their agricultural experience and expertise, both of which are important for mitigating the impacts of climate change. Studies in Ethiopia have shown a positive relationship between the number of years of experience in agriculture and the use of advanced agricultural technologies (Kebede et al. Experienced farmers are more likely to recognize the need to grapple with climate change and they are more likely to prevent or limit impacts by using technology (Maddison, 2006; Nhemachena and Hassan, 2007). Sometimes, however, there is an inverse relationship between age and adaptation choices, like adoption of soil conservation practices. A study by Shiferaw and Holden (1998) indicated that older farmers may be less willing to take the risks associated with new farming practices and technologies. A recent study found that younger farmers are more likely to practice soil conservation (Ali and Erenstein, 2017).

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Craniosynostosis: Congenital abnormality of skull shape due to premature fusion of the sutures between the skull bones what does arthritis in the knee look like cheap 200mg plaquenil with amex. Dandy-Walker malformation: Congenital defect of the cerebellum involving a small cerebellar vermis and cystic dilation of the fourth ventricle arthritis in dogs statistics cheap plaquenil. Diaphragmatic hernia: Congenital defect of the muscular diaphragm resulting in herniation of the abdominal contents into the chest arthritis treatment homeopathy buy plaquenil 200 mg with amex. Down syndrome (Trisomy 21): Distinctive and common chromosome abnormality syndrome caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21 arthritis pain diary buy cheap plaquenil line. Can be complete (Trisomy 21), attached to another chromosome (translocation), or mixed with cells containing normal chromosomes (mosaic). Ebstein anomaly: Congenital heart defect characterized by downward displacement of the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle, associated with tricuspid valve regurgitation. Encephalocele: Congenital defect of the skull resulting in herniation (protrusion) of the brain. Fistula: Abnormal connection between an internal organ and the body surface, or between two internal organs or structures. Gastroschisis: Congenital opening of the abdominal wall with protrusion of the abdominal contents. Can be distinguished from omphalocele by location usually to the right of the umbilicus. Heterotaxy (situs anomalies): Congenital malposition of the abdominal organs often associated with a congenital heart defect. Hirschsprung disease: Congenital aganglionic megacolon (enlarged colon) due to absent nerves in the wall of the colon. Holoprosencephaly: Spectrum of congenital defects of the forebrain due to failure of the brain to develop into two equal halves. Hydronephrosis: Enlargement of the urine-filled chambers (pelves, calyces) of the kidney Hyperplasia: Overgrowth due to an increase in the number of cells of tissue. Classically, aortic valve/mitral valve atresia or marked hypoplasia, ascending aorta and left ventricle hypoplasia. Limb deficiency, upper (arms) / lower (legs): Congenital absence of a portion or entire limb. Types include transverse (resembling an amputation), longitudinal (missing ray) and intercalary (missing bone in-between). Microtia: Congenital smallness or maldevelopment of the external ear, with or without absence or narrowing of the external auditory canal. Omphalocele: Congenital opening of the abdominal wall with protrusion of the abdominal contents. Polydactyly: Extra fingers or toes which may be medial (pre-axial) or lateral (postaxial). Pulmonary atresia: Congenital heart defect characterized by absence of the pulmonary valve or pulmonary artery itself. Spina bifida: Neural tube defect with protrusion of the spinal cord and/or meninges. Includes myelomeningocele (involving both spinal cord and meninges) and meningocele (involving just the meninges). Stenosis: Narrowing or constriction of the diameter of a bodily passage or orifice. Translocation: Chromosome rearrangement in which a piece of genetic material is transferred from one segment to another. May be balanced (no chromosome material gained or lost), or unbalanced (material has been gained or lost). Tricuspid atresia: Congenital heart defect characterized by the absence of the tricuspid valve. Truncus arteriosus: Congenital heart defect characterized by a single great arterial trunk, instead of a separate aorta and pulmonary artery. Improved National Prevalence Estimates for 18 Selected Major Birth Defects-United States, 1999-2001. Spina Bifida and Anencephaly Before and After Folic Acid Mandate- United States, 1995-1996 and 1999-2000. Impact of prenatal diagnosis and elective termination on the prevalence of selected birth defects in Hawaii.