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Likewise asthma unusual symptoms generic 100 mcg ventolin visa, the environmental technologies locally recreated that are adapted and adopted by communities to solve social needs such as locally built bicycle machines, environmental toilets, urban orchards or, solar concentrators, as pointed out by Esteva (2012). In all of them, a radical difference manifests itself to "the modern capitalist civilization of segregation and disconnection, where humans and non-humans, mind and, body, individual and community, reason and emotion, etc. And, by contrast, they constitute different political and epistemic projects in which, as stated by Rivera-Cusicanqui (Ecuador to the World 10, Nov. In this way, the word communality has been gaining strength and, in the context of various gatherings and debates, it has developed as a concept thanks to the efforts of activists, farm workers, and intellectuals committed to the organization and as a result of the pondering about the need of maintaining and recreating life in a community and the autonomy beyond any "individualistic and cumulative perspective" associated to the capitalist western society (Bonfil 2003: 57 et seq. Instead, they are aimed at opening a space (third sector) that will allow the "successful" coordination between the economic actors and strengthening the commercial relationship under a new modality (Federici & Caffentzis 2013, pp. The main difference between the theoretical trends of European and North American sociology and political philosophy lies in their conception of community. Year 2020 Community and Transmodernity: the Keys to Organizational Practices of Social Collectives in Mexico. The elements of communality that define the being, the doing and the feeling among people who share a territory, a history, a language and a way of an organization are i) the common territory made up of the land, which is understood as the nurturing mother, not as an asset or resource; hence relationships, are based not property, but on mutual interdependence; ii) the collective work is understood as a service the community (tequio Mexican Spanish word, originally from Nahuatl tequitl: tribute, work) and a reciprocity service to one another (mutual support or helping hand); iii) the assembly, as a space for participation and decision making by consensus, iv) the fiesta and ceremonies as an expression of the communal gift. In this sense, communality as a concept and the four elements that constitute it, have been adapted and adopted as a guide to action and an inspiration of various social collectives in Mexico, which, as mentioned, seek to recreate community relationships between people and nature, to build collective spaces of autonomy, and to advocate for what is common to them and as a way to prevent, confront, and revert the degradation of the social, political, and environmental tissue that, one way or the other in this part of the world, is lived as a consequence of the imposition of a political and economic model that was christened by Harvey (2005) as capitalism through is possession: A model based on an individualistic and accumulative perspective, maximization of profit and occupation (or plundering) of the common property and the communal ways of life, to convert them into merchandise. In this context, to speak of organizational transmodernity allows us to recognize the existence of social collectives: ". It is an independent collective by activists, students, and scholars that since 2015 collaborates non-profit with various private and public schools to foster the creation of agroenvironmental school orchards conceived as labs to generate community relationships, to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, and skills through collective work. Secondly, it promotes the collective, participative, and horizontal organization between school authorities, students and teachers to develop activities that include creating, and maintaining the agroenvironmental orchard, thus encouraging the creation of spaces for discussion that facilitate the exchange of knowledge and skills and induce shared learning practices. For these relationships, there are rules interpreted from nature itself, and defined by the experience of generations. The rules mentioned by the author are the ordering principles that determine the relationships in the community and that encompass "not only the physical space and the material existence of human beings, but also their spiritual existence, their ethical and ideological codes and, therefore, their political, legal, cultural, economic and civil behavior. The notion of communality identifies the elements that make it possible and promote the existence of the community as an epistemic and political environment that enables ways of knowing and doing with others, that are radically different -and at times opposite- from the individualistic perspective, from the market / profit logic. We are a communal territory, not private property; we are collaborators*, not competitors; we are polytheists, not monotheists. Additionally, this proposal, which together with the collective work includes the participation in the exchange of knowledge and experiences of everyone involved (regardless of their position in the school institution) transforms [momentarily] authority and tuition-learning relationships based on hierarchy, to instill collective decision-making practices based on dialogue, on commitment, work and sharing along with the above, it is working in the agroenvironmental orchards introduces the cyclicality of sowing and harvesting, which encourages the creation of a new type of holiday, not found in the official calendar. And that they use communality asa structural component that articulates the various aspects "of undetermined reciprocities [. The agro-environmental orchard appears in schools as a territory, as a gathering space for collective work, for coexisting and learning, where relationships are rebuilt among people (students, teachers and school authorities), and with nature. Gatherings and assemblies are held with direct participation, where all attendees have freedom of speech, and they make decisions collectively by consensus. The distribution of tasks is associated with the work and with the ability to meet commitments. Lastly, and in the same way, a fiesta is encouraged in each community at the end of their school cycle, there is an event called Festival de la Cosecha (Harvest Festival); a space to get together and socialize. Among the activities that take place at the celebration are workshops, round table discussions, talks, orchard walkthroughs, artistic expressions, solidarity markets for trading and bartering, and much more. Funds come from the solidarity support from collectives that freely share their experiences and skills and access to the fiestas is free and open. Likewise, we start to talk about transmodern organizations to refer to the multiple social collectives with community organization modalities, whose immense richness cannot be limited to the idea of managing the common property. Instead, they show the presence and vitality of universal cultures, capable of preserving relationship forms for collectively knowing and doing. They uphold the interdependence of human beings with nature, and using the fiesta or the ritual, they contemplate their existence and the irinteraction with subjects in the non-human world.

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In India asthma treatment chiropractic order ventolin 100mcg overnight delivery, the seeds are mixed with wood ash or pulverized soil for uniform sowing asthmatic bronchitis over the counter medicine order ventolin discount. Sometimes propagation is done by means of 1-year-old stem cuttings treated with hormones to promote rooting asthmatic bronchitis 101 cheap ventolin 100mcg, and 37 asthmatic bronchitis over the counter medicine purchase ventolin 100mcg mastercard. The plants thus grown flower early and yield well but are less vigorous than seedlings. In Hong Kong, planting in seedbeds is done in September/October and again in March/April. In the Bahamas the first seeds planted in late summer of 1952 produced healthy plants and a continuous crop of fruits for 3 months during the following winter. The plants started to blossom in mid-July and from September on continued to flower and set fruit, although no fruits remained on the plants to maturity until the cooler months of winter when a good yield was obtained. Thirteen weeks later, the first fruits were ripening, and by mid-May of the following year a heavy crop was harvested. In late June, the plants were still growing and flowering profusely but only a few fruits were being set and these failed to develop to maturity. This condition continued into September, by which time some of the more robust plants had reached 6 ft (1. In Jamaica, the initial planting of cape gooseberries in late January of 1954 made slow growth until June when development accelerated. It would appear that the heat of summer is unfavorable for fruit development and, therefore, the best time to plant the cape gooseberry is in the fall so that fruit can be set during the cooler weather and harvested in late spring or early summer. In California, the plants do not fruit heavily until the second year unless started early in greenhouses. Some growers have kept plants in production for as long as 4 years by cutting back after each harvest, but these plants have been found more susceptible to pests and diseases. Foliar spraying of 1% potassium chloride solution before and just after blooming enhances fruit quality. In dry seasons, irrigation is necessary to keep the cape gooseberry plant in production. Season In parts of India, the fruits ripen in February, but, in the South, the main crop extends from January to May. In Central and southern Africa, the crop extends from the beginning of April to the end of June. In England, plants from seeds sown in spring begin to fruit in August and continue until there is a strong frost. Harvesting and Yield In rainy or dewy weather, the fruit is not picked until the plants are dry. The fruits are usually picked from the plants by hand every 2 to 3 weeks, although some growers prefer to shake the plants and gather the fallen fruits from the ground in order to obtain those of more uniform maturity. At the peak of the season, a worker can pick 2 1/2 bushels (90 liters) a day, but at the beginning and end of the season, when the crop is light, only 1/2 bushel (18 liters). Seedlings set 1,800 to 2,150 to the acre (228-900/ha) yield approximately 3,000 lbs of fruit per acre (approx. Therefore, a mechanical husker, 4 to 5 times more efficient, has been designed at the University of Hawaii. The fresh fruits can be stored in a scaled container and kept in a dry atmosphere for several months. If the fresh fruits are to be shipped, it is best to leave the husk on for protection. Pests and Diseases In South Africa, the most important of the many insect pests that attack the cape gooseberry are cutworms, in seedbeds; red spider after plants have been established in the field; the potato tuber moth if the cape gooseberry is in the vicinity of potato fields. Hares damage young plants and birds (francolins) devour the fruits if not repelled. In Jamaica, the leaves were suddenly riddled by what were apparently flea beetles of the family Chrysomelidae. In the Bahamas, whitefly attacks on the very young plants and flea beetles on the flowering plants required control.

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