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By: S. Mufassa, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Vice Chair, Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine

Abnormal sensations may include tingling gastritis oatmeal order pariet amex, numbness gastritis length cheap 20mg pariet overnight delivery, or burning and may be difficult to assess in animals gastritis que no comer order pariet 20mg amex. The suffix -ptosis means prolapse gastritis or pancreatitis buy 20 mg pariet with mastercard, drooping, or falling downward; refers specifically to the upper eyelid. Pathologic conditions of the nervous system may involve lesions that cause abnormal clinical signs on the same side or opposite side that the lesion occurs. In describing lesions of the nervous system, the terms ipsilateral and contralateral are used. Ipsilateral (ihp-s-laht-r-ahl) means on the same side, and contralateral (kohn-trah-laht-rFigure 13­24 Polioencephalomalacia in a sheep. These stages are as follows: preictal (pr-ihck-tahl) = period before a seizure; also called the aura (aw-rah). An animal may pace, excessively lick, fly bite, or seem anxious during this stage. An animal may convulse, lose control of excretory functions, shake, and appear confused during this stage. Figure 13­25 Laryngeal area of a horse with equine laryngeal hemiplegia (roaring). The most common type of seizure in animals is grand mal (grahnd mahl), in which the animal experiences loss of consciousness and muscle contractions. Other types of seizures include partial, which have a seizure focus that does not spread, and petit mal, which is a mild generalized seizure in which loss of consciousness and generalized loss of muscle tone occur. Nystagmus (n-stahgmuhs) is involuntary, rhythmic movement of the eye and is discussed in Chapter 14. Procedures: Nervous System Procedures performed on the nervous system include the following: analgesia (ahn-ahl-jz-ah) = without pain. Analgesia is used to describe pain relief, which is different from anesthesia (absence of sensation). Endorphins (ehndr-fihnz) are natural, opioid-like chemicals that are produced in the brain and that raise the pain threshold. Some types include topical anesthesia = absence of sensation after a substance has been applied to the skin or external surface; local anesthesia = absence of sensation after chemical injection to an adjacent area; epidural anesthesia = absence of sensation to a region after injection of a chemical into the epidural space; general anesthesia = absence of sensation and consciousness. Nerves of Steel 281 Figure 13­26 A disc fenestration involves removal of intervertebral disc material. The protective sheath that covers some nerve cells of the spinal cord, white matter of the brain, and most peripheral nerves is called a. The division of the autonomic nervous system that is concerned with body functions under emergency or stress is the a. The largest portion of the brain that is involved with thought and memory is the a. A knotlike mass of neuron cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system is known as a a. Inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord is known as a. Nerves of Steel 285 Crossword Puzzle Nervous System Terms Puzzle 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Across 2 spatial orientation or perception of movement 4 diagnostic radiographic study of the spinal cord after injection of contrast material into the subarachnoid space 7 repetitive, rhythmic contraction of skeletal muscle 8 surgical incision or dissection of a nerve 11 abnormal softening of the brain 15 crossing 17 the same side 18 star-shaped cell 19 period of an actual seizure 20 nerve pain 21 inflammation of the spinal cord (or bone marrow) Down 1 3 5 6 9 10 12 13 14 16 prolapse or drooping increased motor function or activity weakness of one side of the body shaking of brain caused by injury abnormally small skull syndrome of recurrent uncontrollable sleep episodes inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord without coordination or stumbling abnormal sensation surgical repair of a nerve Copyright 2009 Cengage Learning, Inc. A 3-yr-old F mixed breed dog was presented to the clinic for convulsions (Figure 13­27). A thorough history was taken, including a description of the convulsion episodes, possible toxin exposure, and eating history. The signalment, history, and clinical signs were used to diagnose idiopathic epilepsy. If the seizures recur and persist, anticonvulsant medication will be used in an attempt to control them. During a grand mal seizure, dogs typically are unresponsive, lying on their sides, and paddling their legs. A 5-yr-old M/N dachshund was presented to the clinic with a history of not being able to walk up stairs or jump on the bed. The owner stated that the dog had decreased its eating and was more lethargic than usual. Radiographs were recommended to assess whether the dog had calcified or herniated intervertebral discs. The myelogram confirmed that the dog had herniated discs in the lumbar region, and surgery was recommended.


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It makes new chondrocytes (via mitosis) to replace those that die at the diaphyseal end of the plate chronic gastritis medscape cheap pariet master card. Chondrocytes in the next layer gastritis green stool purchase pariet mastercard, the zone of maturation and hypertrophy gastritis diet and yogurt purchase pariet with american express, are older and larger than those in the proliferative zone gastritis diet cooking purchase pariet american express. The longitudinal growth of bone is a result of cellular division in the proliferative zone and the maturation of cells in the zone of maturation and hypertrophy. Capillaries and osteoblasts from the diaphysis penetrate this zone, and the osteoblasts secrete bone tissue on the remaining calcified cartilage. When the chondrocytes in the epiphyseal plate cease their proliferation and bone replaces the cartilage, longitudinal growth stops. Osteoclasts resorb old bone that lines the medullary cavity, while osteoblasts, via intramembranous ossification, produce new bone tissue beneath the periosteum. The erosion of old bone along the medullary cavity and the deposition of new bone beneath the periosteum not only increase the diameter of the diaphysis but also increase the diameter of the medullary cavity. However, in adult life, bone undergoes remodeling, in which resorption of old or damaged bone takes place on the same surface where osteoblasts lay new bone to replace that which is resorbed. Those with the most severe forms of the disease sustain many more fractures than those with a mild form. Frequent and multiple fractures typically lead to bone deformities and short stature. Curvature of the spine makes breathing difficult because the lungs are compressed. When a broken bone is manipulated and set into its natural position without surgery, the procedure is called a closed reduction. While some fractures can be minor, others are quite severe and result in grave complications. These can become lodged in the capillary beds of the lungs, leading to respiratory distress and if not treated quickly, death. Some fractures may be described using more than one term because it may have the features of more than one type. The blood begins to clot, and about six to eight hours after the fracture, the clotting blood has formed a fracture hematoma (Figure 6. A slight swelling may remain on the outer surface of the bone, but quite often, that region undergoes remodeling (Figure 6. The food you take in via your digestive system and the hormones secreted by your endocrine system affect your bones. Lack of mechanical stress causes bones to lose mineral salts and collagen fibers, and thus strength. Similarly, mechanical stress stimulates the deposition of mineral salts and collagen fibers. It is also why a broken bone in a cast atrophies while its contralateral mate maintains its concentration of mineral salts and collagen fibers. The bones undergo remodeling as a result of forces (or lack of forces) placed on them. Any type of exercise will stimulate the deposition of more bone tissue, but resistance training has a greater effect than cardiovascular activities. Resistance training is especially important to slow down the eventual bone loss due to aging and for preventing osteoporosis. Calcium and Vitamin D You already know that calcium is a critical component of bone, especially in the form of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. This important nutrient is also found in green leafy vegetables, broccoli, and intact salmon and canned sardines with their soft bones. Nuts, beans, seeds, and shellfish provide 242 Chapter 6 Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System calcium in smaller quantities. Omega-3 fatty acids have long been known to reduce inflammation in various parts of the body. Inflammation can interfere with the function of osteoblasts, so consuming omega-3 fatty acids, in the diet or in supplements, may also help enhance production of new osseous tissue. Hormones That Influence Osteoblasts and/or Maintain the Matrix Several hormones are necessary for controlling bone growth and maintaining the bone matrix.

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