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M any, p e rh a p s m ost, artists n e v er realize a n y m o n e y from their w o rk a n d c a n n o t s u p p o rt fu rth e r w ork on the p ro c e e d s from w h a t they have alread y done. These d istrib u tio n system s, like o th e r co o p erative activities w hich m ak e up an art world, can be m a n n e d by artists them selves. The interests of the in the rm e d iaries w h o o p e ra the d istrib u tio n system s fre q u e n tly differ from those of th e artists w h o se w ork they handle. And they need these even w hen artists w a n t to p r o duce, not the kind of w ork th o u g h t to be needed, b u t som e o th e r kind the system c a n n o t h an d le as well. D istributors w a n t to m a k e a m essy process m o re orderly, e n su rin g the stability of their ow n businesses a n d also creating stable conditions u n d e r w hich art can be p ro d u c e d on a regular basis. This often leads th e m to deal with w o rk s on so m e b a sis o th e r th a n their artistic m erit, how ever th a t is ju d g e d (Moulin, 1967). Since m o st artists w a n t the a d v an ta g es of distribution, they w ork with a n eye to w h at the system ch ara cte ristic of th e ir w orld can handle. D istribution system s vary in the kind of in term ed iaries w h o h a n d le the m o v e m e n t of w ork a n d m o n e y b e tw e e n a r t ists a n d audiences, a n d in the im m e d ia cy of the c o m m u n i cation a n d influence b e tw ee n th e two groups. Art w o rk s al ways b e a r the m a rk s of the system w hich d istributes them, b u t vary in how th a t h a p p e n s. When artists s u p p o rt th e m selves from n o n a rt sources, the distribution system has m inim al influence; w h e n they w ork directly for a p a tro n, it is m axim ized; w h e n they c re a the w orks for u n k n o w n audiences, the influence co m es th ro u g h the c o n strain ts im p o sed by the in the rm e d iaries w h o o p e ra the the necessarily m o re com plex a n d e la b o ra the d istrib u tio n system. Artists experience these influences as c o n stra in ts w h en the distrib u to rs have in d e p e n d e n t ideas a b o u t w h a t the a rt w o rk s o u g h t to be like or w h en they have insufficient know ledge of the co n v en tio n s of the art to m a k e choices a n d d e m a n d s the artists re g a rd as know ledgeable. To say th a t artists w ork with an eye to th ese m a tte r s does not m e a n they are com pletely b o u n d by them. S ystem s c h an g e a n d a c c o m m o d a the to artists ju st as artists c h an g e a n d a c c o m m o d a the to system s. F u r th e rm o re, artists can secede fro m the c o n the m p o ra ry system a n d c reate a new one, o r a tte m p t to , o r do w ithout the c o n straining benefits of distribution. Art w orlds often have m o re th a n one d istrib u tio n system o p e ra tin g at the sa m e time. C o n the m p o ra ry painting has elem e n ts of a dealer-gallery sys tem coexisting with p a tro n a g e relationships, a n d th a t was tru e of se v e n the e n th -c e n tu ry Italian p a in tin g as well. C on the m p o ra ry p o etry c o m b in e s self-support a n d g o v e rn m e n t a n d private p a tro n a g. As a result, artists can choose from su c h c o m b in a tio n s the d istrib u tio n system w hich serves th e m best o r co n strain s th e m least. W h a t is not d istrib u ted is n o t know n a n d th u s c a n n o t be well th o u g h t of o r have historical im p o rta n c. The process is circular: w h a t does not have a good re p u ta tio n will not be distributed. This m e a n s th a t o u r later c o n sid e ra tio n of w h a t constitutes g re at or im p o rta n t a rt will have to keep in m ind the w ay d istrib u tio n system s, with their built-in professional biases, affect opinion a b o u t w hat belongs in those categories. Artists w h o lack su b sta n tia l financial reso u rces c a n n o t do w o rk w hich requires costly m aterials, e q u ip m e n t, personnel, or space. M edia like poetry a n d p h o to g ra p h y, req u irin g relatively small investm ents, th u s a ttra c t m a n y practitioners. T h a t m a k e s it even m o re difficult fo r a n y one of th e m to s u p p o r t full-time artistic activity on the p ro c e e d s from a rt w ork itself. Most artists in these m edia, then, provide their ow n s u p p o rt from som e source ou tsid e th e w orkings of the art w orld o r tan g en tial to the a ctu al creation of a rt works. S o m e artists have been 96 D I S T R I B U T I N G A R T W O R K S s u p p o rte d by a well-to-do or w orking spouse. S o m e artists have m a d e or in herited e n o u g h to live on, freeing their tim e for a rt w ork. S o m e artists sim ply have w h a the v e r jo b s are available to th e m by virtue of their social position o r o th e r training.

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The original or a duplicate of a domestic record of regularly conducted activity that would be admissible under Rule 803(6) if accompanied by a written declaration of its custodian or other qualified person, in a manner complying with any Act of Congress or rule prescribed by the Supreme Court pursuant to statutory -authority, certifying that the record - (A) was made at or near the time of the occurrence of the matters set forth by, or from information transmitted by, a person with knowledge of those matters; (B) was kept in the course of the regularly conducted activity; and (C) was made by the regularly conducted activity as a regular practice. In a civil case, the original or a duplicate of a foreign record of regularly conducted activity that would be admissible under Rule 803(6) if accompanied by a written declaration by its custodian or other qualified person certifying that the record -(A) was made at or near the time of the occurrence of the matters set forth by, or from information transmitted by, a person with knowledge of those matters; Major Provisions of the Federal Rules of Evidence 10-471 (B) was kept in the course of the regularly conducted activity; and (C) was made by the regularly conducted activity as a regular practice. The declaration must be signed in a manner that, if falsely made, would subject the maker to criminal penalty under the laws of the country where the declaration is signed. A party intending to offer a record into evidence under this paragraph must provide written notice of that intention to all adverse parties, and must make the record and declaration available for inspection sufficiently in advance of their offer into evidence to provide an adverse party with a fair opportunity to challenge them. As in the amendment to Rule 803(6) above, the new sections provide a procedure for authenticating records of regularly conducted activity through certifications as an alternative to using live witnesses in every instance. The amendment sets up a similar procedure for domestic records and, in civil actions, for foreign records. According to the Committee Note, the notice element in both of the new sections aims to furnish the opposing party "a full opportunity to test the adequacy of the foundation set forth in the declaration. As a safeguard of truthfulness, Rule 902 (12) broadly requires some form of criminal penalty for making a false certification. Rule 902 (12) embodies a choice-of-law doctrine that selects the law of the place where the falsehood was made. The affirmative defenses of good faith, reliance on advice of counsel, and alibi will also be addressed. Each defense will be addressed individually, discussing its elements, the prerequisites to presenting the defense, relevant case law and applicable statutory provisions and federal rules. Finally, the chapter will discuss battered woman syndrome and its effect and use with other defenses. It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under any Federal statute that, at the time of the commission of the acts constituting the offense, the defendant, as a result of a severe mental disease or defect, was unable to appreciate the nature and quality or the wrongfulness of his acts. The Supreme Court has expressly noted that "[a] defendant could be required to prove his insanity by a higher standard than a preponderance of the evidence. While Congress intended this language to eliminate all other affirmative defenses based upon mental disease or defect, this section has nevertheless been subject to much interpretation regarding its effect on the so-called "diminished capacity" or "diminished responsibility" defenses. Part of the problem, at least according to one court, is the "persistent confusion regarding the precise definition of [these] terms. According to the Eleventh Circuit in Cameron, federal courts have adopted three different interpretations of the terms "diminished capacity" and "diminished responsibility. One group of courts uses the terms "as a shorthand for the proposition that expert evidence of mental abnormalities is admissible on the question of whether the defendant in fact possessed a particular mental state which is an element of the charged offense. According to this third group of courts, "diminished responsibility" means that the defendant "suffered from an abnormality of mind that `substantially impaired his mental responsibility. In order for such evidence to be admitted, however, the evidence must directly negate the requisite mens rea. Rule 12(f) provides that the court may still permit the defense to be raised if good cause for the untimely notice is shown. If the defendant fails to comply with these notice requirements, the insanity defense may be precluded. However, if the defendant intends to introduce expert testimony of mental disease or defect to negate the mens rea, the notice requirement he or she must comply with the notice requirement. The rule does not require the defendant to specify whether the expert testimony relates to insanity or to negating the mens rea. The Seventh Circuit has held that a defendant seeking to introduce testimony under Rule 12. That court also ruled that the defense must Affirmative Defenses in Federal Court 11-465 give a general description of the mental condition. The defense must prove to the court that the psychiatric evidence: (1) is relevant; (2) that its probative value substantially outweighs any confusion or delay; and (3) if it is expert testimony, that the evidence is scientifically reliable, helpful to the jury, and that the expert will not testify as to the "ultimate issue. Generally, courts hear voir dire or hold an evidentiary hearing to determine these preliminary matters.

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