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By: B. Enzo, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport

Out-migration from rural areas can contribute to productivit y growth at the national level and lead to potentially large economic gains as labour is allocated to other high income-generating activities in the non-farm sector postpartum depression definition 150mg wellbutrin sr with mastercard. The resulting labour scarcit y can also motivate adoption of labour-saving agricultural technologies anxiety worksheets for children buy wellbutrin sr 150mg overnight delivery, allowing for further redirection of labour to activities with higher returns depression plate definition cheap wellbutrin sr 150mg. In addition anxiety foods purchase wellbutrin sr visa, remittances can allow rural households to engage in higher-return, non-farm businesses in rural areas themselves. These districts tend to urbanize faster and become more prosperous than other districts that receive less migrant capital. Additionally, as agriculture becomes more capital-intensive, productivity increases, allowing farming to be operated on larger plots. International mig rant diaspora communities can also facilitate trade between orig in and host countries. A sur vey conducted among immig rants in the United States of A merica coming from 14 Latin A merican countries revealed that on average more than 70 percent of immig rants buy home-countr y goods. The home-countr y products are produced to meet foreig n safet y standards and marketed to reach non-diaspora consumers as well. There is evidence that in many such countries (for example in Central America127), this appreciation has led to higher consumption of non-tradable goods while simultaneously penalizing exports. More than 80 percent of refugee crises last for 10 years or more, while two in five last 20 years or more. Protracted crises undermine household and communit y resilience and force people to adopt increasingly negative coping strategies, the result of which puts their livelihoods and food securit y at risk. As mentioned earlier in Chapter 3, it can be particularly difficult to disting uish between the impacts of migration per se and those of the crises that lead people to migrate in the first place. They damage food preparation and storage facilities and irrigation infrastructure and machinery. Finally, these crises disrupt markets and availability of input supplies and labour and can ultimately depopulate rural areas as people are forced to move. Displacement has resulted in fewer rural workers available for livestock rearing or crop production. In pastoral areas of Africa protracted crises are having a profound effect on livelihoods and on long-standing livestock migration and trade routes. Taken together, the result is an erosion of selfsufficiency and resilience, putting at tremendous risk the long-term viability of pastoral livelihoods. The proportion of undernourished people living in countries in conf lict and protracted crisis is almost three times higher than in other developing countries. Both host countries and countries of origin tend to be developing, often with limited resources to address the specific needs of large numbers of displaced people. As seen in Chapter 2, globally at least one-third of refugees are found in rural areas, and in sub-Saharan Africa the share is more than 80 percent. Inf lows can swell populations, straining basic social ser vices, labour and housing markets, as well as governance systems. With the arrival of over 650 000 refugees since Aug ust 2017, host communities have reported a significant rise in the price of staple foods. In the Lake Chad Basin, years of insurgent activities have led to population displacements and also to reduced areas for cultivation and lower agricultural productivit y, as well as disrupted supply routes and market closures. Displacement and the looting and destruction of crops, infrastructure and productive assets have damaged household assets and livelihoods as well as overall food availabilit y and access. Well-managed inflows of displaced people can provide a boost to the economic development trajectories of host countries or communities (Box 18). The beneficial effects of promoting economic linkages between refugees and host communities were illustrated in the preceding section. To complement this, there is increasing acknowledgement of the importance of legal frameworks and policies that facilitate the abilit y of refugees to earn an income in host countries. The opportunities for voluntar y repatriation and local integration of refugees in the current global landscape are increasingly limited. Accordingly, the option of resettlement to a third countr y has become critical for many v ulnerable refugees whose protection needs cannot otherwise be met.


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Under slow-onset environmental stressors bipolar depression 45 wellbutrin sr 150mg with amex, rural out-migration can be a risk-management or adaptation strategy depression quest endings buy wellbutrin sr 150mg fast delivery, albeit one that is not generally available to the poorest anxiety poems wellbutrin sr 150 mg cheap. Protracted crises affect migration drivers by worsening conditions in areas of origin and by facilitating migration through new diaspora networks and humanitarian interventions anxiety vs panic attack cheap wellbutrin sr online mastercard. Historically, the development of agricultural technologies allowed for a gradual release of human resources. Attracted by the growth of manufacturing and services, mostly located in urban areas, large numbers of people have chosen to migrate in search of new opportunities. However, in certain circumstances migration is not a choice but the result of conditions that have rendered it impossible for people to sustain their livelihoods where they live. It also looks at the constraints that might prevent people from migrating in spite of worsening conditions at home, as well as the effect of protracted crises on their decisions to migrate. In this case, drivers create the conditions under which people decide whether to move or stay. The framework presented and discussed in this section builds on the celebrated Lee model of push-pull factors. However, it emphasizes that push and pull factors do not work in isolation in the decision-making process of prospective migrants, unless people are under extreme conditions (Box 3). For instance, lack of employment opportunities in a given area of origin can push people to migrate only if employment is available at a potential destination. A similar reasoning applies to differentials in qualit y of the environment, education facilities and other ser vices. A t ypical constraint is the distance between the destination and origin and the cost of migrating, which tends to be higher the greater the distance is to be travelled. This tends to favour migration between locations that are in close proximit y, particularly for poor households who cannot afford the cost of international or long-distance migration. There may also be physical or legal constraints to migration, the latter t ypically restricting international movements. Other conditioning factors can facilitate migration, such as the presence of recruitment agencies at the origin or social networks at the destination. These can help overcome bureaucratic procedures and obstacles, provide information, and assist in finding housing and jobs, among other things. Conditioning factors may also push people who, based only on macrofactors, would not otherwise have migrated. For example, institutional and market failures leading to lack of access to credit 51 in rural areas could convince some households to send a family member to the cit y to finance investments in the farm through remittances. The two sets of migration drivers discussed above are both largely external to the actors. Yet migration decisions are ultimately made by individuals or households, and thus depend on personal factors, hereafter referred to as microfactors. No two potential migrants perceive macrofactors or interact with conditioning factors in the same way, as they have unique individual, household and even communit y capabilities and capacities. Therefore, age, gender, education and other factors matter, and when the decision to migrate is made collectively by the whole household, the characteristics of the household also matter, such as the number of youth and the gender and power distribution within the household. Macrofactors can have differing impacts on various social groups according to gender, age, wealth, language, and personal considerations. People with higher levels of education also tend to migrate more, t y pically towards areas experiencing growth in formal job opportunities that require skilled labour.

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