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Rice, beans, root vegetables, pork and meat make up the bulk of diet Usually present oriented Health, Illness and Death According to traditional Cuban culture, mind, body and spirit are connected. Use of complementary mind-spirit, religious, and herbal practices Physical illness may be thought to be caused by mental stress or supernatural forces. May decline shampooing of hair Doctors and other healthcare providers are seen as having authority and their decisions are respected. Important to clarify with patient whether he/she wants information first and who within family can receive it to reduce potential conflicts. Acceptable Often incorporate mind-body modalities Expressed openly, but may be stoic the company of immediate and extended family members is much sought after. Family member may want to stay around the clock In Cuban health care, there is little discussion between physicians and patient/families so this may be a new experience. Families may consult a senior male or female, or one who is most educated or influential in the community when deciding on health care treatment and making end of life decisions. Grief may be expressed loudly Family member may want to stay with body until buried Often buried quickly with funeral/ritual several days later Acceptable to save a life Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum Traditional women may be fearful of evil eye or having someone they don`t know touch their belly or ask information about pregnancy. Do not discuss negative issues during pregnancy, including potential deformities or risks. Natural delivery or other procedures suggested by healthcare providers to help labor progress are acceptable. Traditionally, only female relative present but this is changing so father is present. Breastfeeding common Talk to father first May be feared to have been caused by supernatural forces Religious and Spiritual Practices Roman Catholic, Protestant, or Santeria which is also often practiced alongside Christianity Those individuals who practice Santeria will seek spiritual comfort as a way to ease physical pain Many Cuban Americans seek out the support of their church for spiritual guidance and advice. Religion Spiritual Healing Haitian Culture Important Historical Issues Clothing or Amulets Language Communication, Nonverbal, and Greetings Spokesperson and Decision-making Family structure Cultural and Family Structure the expulsion of the French in 1804, making Haiti the first independently black-ruled nation in the world Religious medallions or other spiritual objects. Handshakes are acceptable Informal introductions are acceptable upon first meeting Females are seen as the decision makers for the family Women are usually thought of as the marketers of the family, so they usually control their husband`s earnings. Households typically are made up of nuclear family members and adopted children or young relatives. The husband is thought of as the owner of the house and must tend to the maintenance of it. Discussion should occur with immediate family present, and if need be, extended family. The moment of death is marked by ritual wailing among family members, friends, and neighbors. Autopsy acceptable; may be requested by family Cremation usually preferred; may want mortuary to keep body until all family members can gather Organ donation typically not discussed or encouraged Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum Not traditionally sought. Midwives may be preferred Generally accepted Traditionally common to have mother and child confined as considered to be susceptible and vulnerable to illness Postpartum ritual frequently used includes special baths with herbs and water to bathe in for the first three days and a tea made to drink. The next three days she is encouraged to bathe in herb fortified water that is warmed by the sun. Breastfeeding is the norm Some traditions believe that the breast is to be withheld from newborns for the first twelve to forty-eight hours Traditional liquid supplements usually introduced within first two weeks of life, and food supplements often are begun thirty days after birth. May believe defects are caused by an angry spirit or a spell cast by an enemy Prenatal Care Labor C-Section Postpartum and Breastfeeding Genetic Defects and/or Sick Baby Religion Religious and Spiritual Practices Roman Catholic (about 80%), Protestant (about 20%), Voodoo (see Voodoo page).

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As in humans spasms after surgery order 135 mg colospa otc, chloral hydrate is used in veterinary medicine as a sedative and hypnotic muscle relaxant walgreens discount colospa 135 mg without a prescription. Human Exposure Routes and Pathways Ingestion of oral dosage forms is the most common route of both accidental and intentional exposures to chloral hydrate muscle relaxant gaba generic 135 mg colospa otc. Toxicokinetics Chloral hydrate is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract following oral or rectal administration muscle relaxant flexeril 10 mg buy colospa once a day. Chloral hydrate is rapidly metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase to trichloroethanol, which is pharmacologically active. Trichloroethanol, in turn, is either conjugated with glucuronic acid to form urochloralic acid or oxidized to trichloroacetic acid. Chloral hydrate has a half-life of only a few minutes, whereas the half-life of trichloroethanol ranges from 4 to 14 h. Gastric perforation and esophageal stricture have been reported in cases of chloral hydrate overdose. Lethargy progressing to deep coma, respiratory depression, hypotension, and hypothermia are characteristic toxic manifestations of chloral hydrate overdose. Chronic Toxicity (or Exposure) Animal Two carcinogenicity studies of chloral hydrate in drinking water in rats showed no increase in tumors at any site. In a separate study of chronic chloral hydrate exposure in female mice, a slight increase in hyperplasia and slight increase in the incidence of adenoma in 536 Chlorambucil the pituitary gland pars distalis were noted at the highest dose. Some studies have shown that chloral hydrate causes hepatocellular tumors in male mice. Human Prolonged administration of chloral hydrate may lead to the development of gastritis, skin eruptions, and renal damage. In Vitro Toxicity Data Studies of chloral hydrate on porcine brain tubulin assembly assay demonstrated reduced assembly. Chinese hamster embryonic diploid cell studies of carcinogenicity demonstrated chromosomal damage only at the higher concentrations tested. Hypotension should be treated with standard measures including intravenous fluids, Trendelenburg positioning, and dopamine hydrochloride by intravenous infusion. Cardiac arrhythmias have been succesfully managed with beta blockers such as propenolol or esinolol. Forced diuresis is of no value as a means to enhance the elimination of chloral hydrate. Hemodialysis and hemoperfusion may be useful in severe cases in which standard supportive measures are inadequate. Further Reading Gustafson A, Svensson S-E, and Ugander L (1977) Cardiac arrhythmias in chloral hydrate poisoning. Uses Chlorambucil is an alkylating agent that retards or stops growth of cancer cells. Chlorambucil is administered orally in tablets containing Chlorambucil 537 2 mg active ingredient. Continuous and intermittent oral schedules are used as part of the treatment regimen. Occupational exposure may occur during production, formulation, packaging, and administration of the pharmaceutical. Possible exposures consist of inhalation, incidental ingestion, and dermal contact. Chronic Toxicity (or Exposure) A known or probable human mutagen, chlorambucil has been shown to be teratogenic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic in experimental models. When administered intraperitoneally to rats, lymphosarcomas, myelogenous leukemia, and reticulum cell sarcomas were noted.

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Consequently infantile spasms 4 year old discount generic colospa uk, the newborn is characterized by a small phallus/ambiguous genitalia muscle relaxant for pulled muscle purchase colospa american express, hypospadias spasms hindi meaning colospa 135mg, bifid scrotum spasms in your back discount colospa 135 mg without a prescription, and on occasion, scrotal/labial testes. It is presumed that testicles regress between the 8th and 12th weeks of gestation. The severe form may occur as salt wasting (hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, acidosis), vomiting, dehydration, and circulatory collapse. External genitalia changes depend on time of intrauterine exposure and can range from complete labioscrotal fusion to clitoral hypertrophy. In 11b-hydroxylase deficiency, 11-deoxycortisol and deoxycorticosterone levels are high, producing hypertension in infancy. Presumably there was active fetal testicular function during the genital differentiation and with later regression (usually after 20th week). If this occurs before 8 weeks of gestation, it results in Swyer syndrome, and female genitalia develop. Hirsutism is an increased density of terminal hair (coarse, adult type) and must be differentiated from hypertrichosis. Hirsutism must also be distinguished from virilization (masculinization), which includes findings of increased muscle mass, voice changes, and clitoral enlargement in girls. It grows on the face, lower abdomen, anterior thighs, chest, breasts, pubic area, and axilla. Androgens, especially testosterone, stimulate growth of sexual hair, whereas estrogens have an opposite effect. In extreme cases it causes virilization or masculinization, with male baldness patterns, clitoromegaly, deepening voice, increased muscle mass, and male body habitus. Careful examination should include the degree of virilization, and a search for thyromegaly, abdominal or pelvic masses, and skin changes. This is a spectrum of clinical disease that is ill defined, especially in adolescents. Features include persistent anovulation, irregular menstrual cycles, hirsutism, and obesity. If anovulation or galactorrhea are present, consider a prolactin level and thyroid function tests to exclude hyperprolactinemia and hypothyroidism. Levels over 200 ng/dL require corticotropin testing for 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 11b-hydroxylase deficiency. The mechanism of this syndrome is unknown; however, there is a defect in membrane insulin receptors. Testing for hyperinsulinism is therefore indicated in women with persistent anovulation, android obesity, and acanthosis nigricans. Testosterone weakly inhibits and estrogen strongly stimulates breast tissue development. In males, estrogen is usually produced by the aromatization of androgens in peripheral tissues. It is similar to middle and late stages of female breast development and is less likely to resolve spontaneously. Asymmetry of breasts is common; however, any hardness of breast tissue or asymmetric placement of the nipple requires evaluation. A careful history of drug or medication intake, including hormone-containing lotion, creams, foods, and other products, should be obtained. Gynecomastia that develops before the onset of other pubertal changes or before age 10 years or is associated with precocious or delayed puberty or macrogynecomastia requires further evaluation. Physical examination should include a careful examination of the breast, including diameter and consistency of breast tissue and position of the nipple. They may be caused by neurofibromas, dermoid cysts, lipoma, lymphangioma, metastatic neuroblastoma, leukemia, lymphoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma. Uremia due to renal failure may cause testicular damage and decreased testosterone. If testes are smaller than 3 cm in diameter or 8 mL in volume or there is a history of ambiguous genitalia, a karyotype should also be obtained.