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Journal of the American College of Dentists 2003 37 Implications of the New Biology identified the genetic components, we have begun to assess the functions of the genes of multiple species (Baum et al, 2002; Guttmacher and Collins, 2002; Varmas, 2000). This exciting new phase of genomics and genomic medicine will provide opportunities to apply understanding of gene function to the treatment ofsystemic diseases and conditions. At the beginning of the third millennium, we are confronted with two major challenges. Second, there is the sense of excitement and anticipation for the endless possibilities associated with sequencing of the human genome. This breakthrough will provide insights and increased understanding on the underlying causes of infectious diseases and developmental disorders. Major breakthroughs will occur in bolstering the immune system to maintain effective surveillance against infectious agents and tumors and maintain the ability to discriminate between foreign substances and "self," and thus, eliminate autoimmune diseases. Finally, regenerative medicine will provide new tools to restore the function of damaged tissue by growing new cells, tissues, and organs. Further, the salivary glands were "reengineered" to express an antifungal protein to kill or manage oral Candida infections. In addition, investigators have developed an approach known as "replacement therapy" to reengineer Streptococcus mutans by deleting a gene dental education, and dental research. At a time of exciting scientific breakthrough that will transform the profession, we are experiencing a very limited pool of dental graduates embarking on academic careers. Without a replenishment of the pool of scientifically-knowledgeable clinicians, clinical scientists, and biological scientists to accelerate translation of research discovery from the lab bench to patient care, we will lose touch with our legacy. For the future, dentistry will have new tools to fight the infectious diseases responsible for the major dental diseases. New genome-based therapies will render disease-causing bacteria and viruses harmless. Genomic medicine will provide strategies to bolster immune competence that will be maintained across an increasing lifespan. Regenerative medicine will offer the opportunity for biologically-based therapies that will restore function by regrowing damaged tissues. The next generation of dentists must be well-grounded in the emerging genetic science so that they can appreciate and apply the new technology to preserve and promote oral health. New approaches should be seen as extensions of the services dentists can provide patients rather than restrictions. Different parts of the new biology will become available in the office at different times, and will be implemented by general practitioners or specialists, depending on their character. New relationships with medicine will be forged rather than dentistry becoming part of medicine. Innovations in dental education and continuing education will accelerate the coming changes. L ooking to the past, present, and future reminds me of rapid and punctuated changes. Some of us embrace change as an opportunity for new experiences, knowledge, and advancement. Does change represent an opportunity, or does it represent new problems to be solved? Certainly the introduction of the "new biology" into dentistry has evoked some excitement as well as concerns amongst our colleagues. The "new biology" is, in fact, an evolving biology that will deepen our under- standing of cellular responses and functions, including growth factors, osteogenic proteins, and other numerous factors (Chai, 2003; Slavkin, 2001b; 2002). Exciting new possibilities in treatment options and outcomes may become reality in a few years that are only dreams today, due to these discoveries (Genco, Scannapieco, and Slavkin, 2000; Slavkin, 1998; 2001a). However, some clinicians fear that the ultimate impact these new treatment modalities will have upon our profession may eliminate dentistry as we know it today. As the new biological treatment modalities become integrated into the oral health care of the country, there are some practical questions to be addressed. How will the dental profession interact with their medical colleagues in areas of overlapping care?

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Also called floaters muscarine / m skri n/ noun a poison found in fungi muscarinic / m sk rInIk/ adjective referring to a neurone or receptor stimulated by acetylcholine and muscarine muscle / m s()l/ noun 1. Also called dumbness my- /maI/ prefix same as myo- (used before vowels) myalgia /maI ld / noun a muscle pain myalgic encephalomyelitis /maI ld Ik en keflmaI laItIs/ noun a long-term mutism mymyalgia myalgic encephalomyelitis condition affecting the nervous system, in which someone feels tired and depressed and has pain and weakness in the muscles. Also called chronic fatigue syndrome, postviral fatigue syndrome myasthenia / maIs i ni/, myasthenia gravis / maIs i ni r vIs/ noun a general weakness and dysfunction of the muscles, caused by poor conduction at the motor end plates myc- /maIk, maIs/ prefix same as mycomyasthenia myc- (used before vowels) 255 mycelium /maI si lim/ noun a mass of threads which forms the main part of a fungus mycetoma / maIsi tm/ noun same as mycelium mycetoma myeloid myoclonic epilepsy maduromycosis myco- /maIk/ prefix referring to fungus Mycobacterium / maIkb k tIrim/ noun one of a group of bacteria including those mycoMycobacterium which cause leprosy and tuberculosis mycology /maI kld i/ noun the study of fungi Mycoplasma / maIk pl zm/ noun a type of microorganism, similar to a bacterium, associated with diseases such as pneumonia and urethritis mycosis /maI ksIs/ noun any disease caused by a fungus. Also called myocyte myodynia myofibril myofibrosis myogenic myoglobin myoglobinuria myogram myograph myography myokymia myology myoma myomectomy myometritis myometrium / maI mi trim/ noun the muscular tissue in the uterus myoneural / maI njrl/ adjective relating to or involving both the muscles and the nerves myoneural junction / maInjr()l d k()n/ noun same as neuromuscular myometrium myoneural myoneural junction metritis myositis / maI saItIs/ noun inflammation and degeneration of a muscle myotatic / maI t tIk/ adjective referring to the sense of touch in a muscle myotatic reflex / maIt tIk ri fleks/ noun a reflex action in a muscle which contracts after being stretched myotic /maI tIk/ noun a drug which causes the pupil of the eye to contract myotomy /maI tmi/ noun a surgical operation to cut a muscle myotonia / maI tni/ noun difficulty in relaxing a muscle after exercise myotonic / maI tnIk/ adjective referring to tone in a muscle myotonic dystrophy / maItnIk dIstrfi/ noun a hereditary disease with muscle stiffness leading to atrophy of the muscles of the face and neck myotonus /maI tns/ noun a muscle tone myringa /mI rI / noun same as eardrum myringitis / mIrIn d aItIs/ noun inflammation of the eardrum myringoplasty /mI rI pl sti/ noun the surgical repair of a perforated eardrum. Also called tympanoplasty myringotome /mI rI tm/ noun a sharp knife used in myringotomy myringotomy / mIrI tmi/ noun a surgical operation to make an opening in the eardrum to allow fluid to escape myx- /mIks/, myxo- /mIks/ prefix referring to mucus myxoedema / mIks di m/ noun a condition caused when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. The person, often a middle-aged woman, becomes overweight, moves slowly and develops coarse skin. Opposite longmyopathy myopia junction objects clearly, but not objects which are further away. Also called shortsighted myoplasm / maIpl z()m/ noun same as myoplasm sightedness myopic /maI pIk/ adjective able to see close myopic sarcoplasm which develops at the base of a fingernail or toenail myxoma /mIk sm/ noun a benign tumour of mucous tissue, usually found in subcutaneous tissue of the limbs and neck myxosarcoma / mIkss km/ noun a malignant tumour of mucous tissue myxovirus / mIks vaIrs/ noun any virus which has an affinity for the mucoprotein receptors in red blood cells. Symbol n nanometre / n nmit/ noun a unit of measurement of length equal to one thousand millionth of a metre. Symbol nm nanomole / n nml/ noun a unit of measurement of the amount of a substance equal to one thousand millionth of a mole. Symbol nmol nanosecond / n n seknd/ noun a unit of measurement of time equal to one thousand millionth of a second. Naseptin /n septIn/ a trade name for a mixture containing chlorhexidine and neomycin, used to treat nasal infection by organisms such as staphylococci nasion / neIzin/ noun the place at which the bridge of the nose meets the forehead naso- /neIz/ prefix referring to the nose nasogastric / neIz strIk/ adjective referring to the nose and stomach nasogastrically / neIz strIkli/ adverb referring to a method of feeding someone via a tube passed through the nose into the stomach nascent Naseptin nasion nasonasogastric nasogastrically narcoleptic / n k leptIk/ adjective 1. The main narcotics are barbiturates, cocaine and opium, and drugs derived from opium, such as morphine, codeine and heroin. Addictive narcotics are widely used for the relief of pain in terminally ill patients. Also called turbinate bones nasal congestion / neIz()l kn d est()n/ noun the blocking of the nose by inflammation as a response to a cold or other infection nasal drops / neIz()l drps/ plural noun drops of liquid inserted into the nose nasal septum / neIz()l septm/ noun a wall of cartilage between the two nostrils and the two parts of the nasal cavity nasal spray / neIz()l spreI/ noun a spray of liquid into the nose nasal bone nasal cartilage nasal cavity nasal conchae nasal congestion nasal drops nasal septum nasal spray noun a tube passed through the nose into the stomach nasolacrimal / neIz l krIm()l/ adjective referring to the nose and the tear glands nasolacrimal duct / neIz l krIm()l d kt/ noun a duct which drains tears from the lacrimal sac into the nose nasopharyngeal / neIz f rIn d i l/ adjective referring to the nasopharynx nasopharyngitis / neIz f rIn d aItIs/ noun inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal part of the pharynx nasopharynx / neIz f rIks/ noun the top part of the pharynx which connects with the nose nasosinusitis / neIz saIn saItIs/ noun a condition in which the nose and sinuses swell up nasty / n sti/ adjective unpleasant this medicine has a nasty taste. Other causes include stomach disorders, such as gastritis, ulcers and liver infections. Nausea is commonly experienced by women in the early stages of pregnancy, and is called morning sickness. Opposite positive negative feedback / ne tIv fi db k/ noun a situation in which the result of a process represses the process which caused it negativism / ne tIvIz()m/ noun the attitude of a person who opposes advice or instructions needling needs assessment needs deprivation negative negative feedback negativism collar to support the head of a person with neck injuries or a condition such as cervical spondylosis necro- /nekr/ prefix referring to death necrobiosis / nekrbaI sIs/ noun 1. Many organs pass through the neck, including the oesophagus, the larynx and the arteries and veins which connect the brain to the bloodstream. Motor nerves or efferent nerves take messages between the central nervous system and muscles, making the muscles move. Sensory nerves or afferent nerves transmit impulses such as sight or pain from the sense organs to the brain. Also called myoneural junction neuromyelitis optica / njrmaIlaItIs ptIk/ noun a condition, similar to multiple sclerosis, in which a person has acute myelitis and the optic nerve is also affected. Also called nerve cell neuropathic bladder / njrp ik bl d/ noun a condition in which the bladder neuron neuropathic bladder neurotically /nj rtIkli/ adverb in a neurotic way She is neurotically obsessed with keeping herself clean. Other neurotransmitters such as gamma aminobutyric acid, glutamine and substance P are less common. Also called polyneurotrophic neurotropic neuter neutral neutralise neutropenia neutrophil morph newborn / nju b n/ adjective born recently. Symbol N newton nipple or persons who are most closely related to someone the hospital has notified the next of kin of the death of the accident victim.

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Use of higher than recommended dosages via abuse or misuse can cause serious cardiac events 606 treatment syphilis purchase cheap cytoxan on line. For use of RediTabs treatment management company buy 50mg cytoxan mastercard, place tablet on tongue and allow it to disintegrate in the mouth with or without water symptoms 7 days before period cheap cytoxan 50 mg on-line. Pregnancy category is "C" during the first trimester but changes to "D" for the second and third trimesters medicine journal discount cytoxan online amex. May cause hypermagnesemia, diarrhea, muscle weakness, hypotension, and respiratory depression. Use with caution in renal insufficiency (monitor magnesium level) and patients receiving digoxin. C Injection: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 mg/mL (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, respectively) Irrigation solution (Resectisol): 50 mg/mL (5%) (2000 mL) Anuria/oliguria (Child and adult): Test dose to assess renal function: 0. Liver function test elevations and hepatitis have been reported with prolonged courses; monitor hepatic function with prolonged therapy. When converting contraceptive method to Depo-Sub Q Provera, dose should be administered within 7 days after the last day of using the previous method (pill, ring, or patch). Contraindicated in pregnancy, breast and genital cancer, liver disease, missed abortion, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolic disorders, cerebral vascular disease, and undiagnosed vaginal bleeding. Use with caution in patients with family history of breast cancer, depression, diabetes, and fluid retention. May cause dizziness, headache, insomnia, fatigue, nausea, weight increase, appetite changes, amenorrhea, and breakthrough bleeding. Injection site reactions may include pain/tenderness, persistent atrophy/indentation/dimpling, lipodystrophy, sterile abscess, skin color change, and node/lump. May cause dizziness, ringing of the ears, headache, syncope, psychiatric symptoms. If neurological or psychiatric side effects occur, discontinue therapy and use an alternative medication. Mefloquine is a substrate and inhibitor of P-glycoprotein and may reduce valproic acid levels. Do not initiate halofantrine or ketoconazole within 15 days of the last dose of mefloquine. If vomiting occurs in less than 30 min after the dose, administer a second full dose. Use with caution in sulfasalazine hypersensitivity, impaired hepatic, or renal function, pyloric stenosis, and with concurrent thrombolytics. Safety and efficacy of Asacol in children 5­17 yr for mild/moderate acute ulcerative colitis have been established over a 6-wk period. If a dose > 2000 mg is needed, consider switching to nonextended-release tablets in divided doses and increase dose to a max. Use with caution when transferring patients from chlorpropamide therapy (potential hypoglycemia risk), excessive alcohol intake, hypoxemia, dehydration, surgical procedures, mild/moderate renal impairment, hepatic disease, anemia, and thyroid disease. Fatal lactic acidosis (diarrhea; severe muscle pain, cramping; shallow and fast breathing; and unusual weakness and sleepiness) and decrease in vitamin B12 levels have been reported. Cimetidine, furosemide, and nifedipine may increase the effects/toxicity of metformin. If patient does not respond to 1­3 mo of combination therapy with maximum metformin doses, consider discontinuing combination therapy and initiating insulin therapy. Unintentional overdoses have resulted in fatalities and severe adverse events such as respiratory depression and cardiac arrhythmias. May cause respiratory depression, sedation, increased intracranial pressure, hypotension, and bradycardia. Pregnancy category is "C" for the injectable dosage form and "B" for the oral dosage forms. May cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, diaphoresis, stained skin, and abdominal pain. Use with bupropion, paroxetine, sertraline, duloxetine, vilazodone, venlafaxine, fluoxetine, or desipramine is considered contraindicated.

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Ifproblemsareidentified,anactionplan ismadeforthechild,whichcouldinvolveadviceand monitoring progress or referral to the general practi tionerorspecialist. Those in the progressive programme include infants or children with health or developmental problems, childrenatincreasedriskofobesityorfamiliesconsid eredtobeathigherrisk,e. The way the healthy child programme Summary the child health surveillance and promotion programme · isprovidedinprimarycare · includesimmunisation,healthpromotionand developmentalscreening · emphasisestheroleofparentsintheearly detectionofdevelopmentalproblems. Hemayalso turnhisheadoreyestowardsyouifyoucomeupfrombehindandspeaktohimfromthe side Turnsimmediatelytoyourvoiceacrosstheroomortoveryquietnoisesmadeoneach side,solongasheisnottoooccupiedwithotherthings Listensattentivelytofamiliareverydaysoundsandsearchesforveryquietsoundsmade outofsight. Inordertodetecthearingimpairmentinthe newbornperiod,hearingcanbetestedby: Summary Hearing · Earlydetectionandtreatmentofhearing impairmentimprovestheoutcomeofspeech andlanguage,andbehaviour. Distraction testing this was the mainstay of hearing screening but has been replaced by universal neonatal screening. Testingis unreliable if not carried out by properly trained staff, since it can be difficult to identify hearingimpaired infants as they are particularly adept at using non auditorycues. Wellfocusedimageson the retina are required for the acquisition of visual acuityandanyobstructiontothis,e. Many newborn infants can fix and follow horizon tallyafaceorcolouredballortheimageofatargetof concentric black and white circles. By about 6 weeks of age, both eyes should move together when following a light source. Adultlevelsarereachedby3­4yearsofage,whenthe child can match pictures or letters at 6/6 using both eyestogether. Visual reinforcement audiometry this is particularly useful to assess impairment in infantsbetween10and18months,althoughitcanbe usedbetweentheageof6monthsand3years. Localisation of the stimuli is not necessary and insert earphones may be usedtoobtainearspecificinformation,thusmakingit moreusefulthanfreefieldtestssuchasdistractionand performancetesting(Fig. Performance and speech discrimination testing Performance testing using high and low frequency stimuli and speech discrimination testing usingminiaturetoyscanbeusedforchildrenwithsus pected hearing loss at 18 months to 4 years of age. Audiometry Threshold audiometry using headphones, where the childrespondstoapuretonestimulus,canbeusedto detect and assess the severity of hearing loss in chil drenfrom4yearsold. Whenperformingaclinicalexaminationonayoung childwithadevelopmentalproblem: · Formulateadevelopmentalpictureintermsof grossmotor;visionandfinemotor;hearing, speechandlanguage;andsocial,emotionaland behaviour. Amniocentesis for chromosomal disorders Perinatal Following birth asphyxia/neonatal encephalopathy Preterm infants with intraventricular haemorrhage/periventricular leucomalacia, posthaemorrhagic hydrocephalus Dysmorphic features Abnormal neurological behaviour ­ tone, feeding, movement, seizures, visual inattention Infancy Global developmental delay Delayed or asymmetric motor development Vision or hearing concerns by parent or after screening Neurocutaneous/dysmorphic features Preschool Speech and language delay Abnormal gait, clumsy motor skills Poor social communication skills School age Problems with balance and coordination Learning difficulties Attention control Hyperactivity Specific learning difficulties. Thefollowingareagreeddefinitions: · Abnormal development ­ key concepts Theterminologycanbeconfusing,but: Impairment­lossorabnormalityofphysiological functionoranatomicalstructure Disability­anyrestrictionorlackofabilitydueto · theimpairment · Disadvantage­thisresultsfromthedisability, andlimitsorpreventsfulfilmentofanormalrole. Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, chromosome microdeletions or duplications Cerebral dysgenesis. Developmental progress Theseveritycanbecategorisedas: mild moderate severe profound. Median Normal range Otherfeaturesofdevelopmentaldelayare: Slow but steady Plateau Regression 1 2 3 Age (years) 4 5 6 Figure 4. Specific developmental impairment is when one fieldofdevelopmentorskillareaismoredelayedthan others.