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By: H. Irmak, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

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It is frequently confused with supracondylar fractures but can easily be differentiated (Table 13 medications during labor purchase generic cordarone online. Treatment Conservative treatment by closed reduction under general anesthesia is attempted first and reduction by operative methods is reserved for those rare cases of failed closed reduction treatment 2 degree burns generic cordarone 200mg on line. Complications Neurological injuries: In these medicine sans frontiers cordarone 200 mg with amex, the ulnar nerve are very commonly injured symptoms with twins trusted 200mg cordarone, followed by radial and median nerve in that order. Myositis ossificans: this has an incidence of 5 to 18 percent and is generally not due to the injury per se but due to the manner in which it is treated. Causes: Delay in initial treatment; use of hyperextension force during reduction; vigorous active physiotherapy and massage are some of the common causes. Pathology: Lax ulnar collateral ligament, pocket in the radial collateral ligament and a defect in the posterolateral aspect of the lateral condyle are the common pathological findings. Bony procedures: Here a graft is placed to deepen the semilunar notch of the ulna. Proximal radioulnar translation: this is an extremely rare complication and is due to very vigorous force used during reduction methods. Unreduced dislocation: Though rare it is more often seen in Asians due to ignorance, treatment by quacks, etc. Treatment Methods Children: Open reduction and resection of myositis is done in children. If the injury is greater than 3 months, open reduction is combined with arthroplasty if necessary. Adults: In adults, open reduction are invariably followed with one of the following arthroplasties (Table 13. Clinical Features the patient with radial head fracture complains of pain on the lateral side of the elbow, minimal swelling and restriction of elbow movements and supination, pronation of the forearm. Investigation Plain X-ray of the elbow including the anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the elbow (Figs 13. Radial head replacement is controversial since excision of the head is usually effective in isolated comminuted radial head fracture that too if the medial collateral ligament is intact (Fig 13. Injuries Around the Elbow 163 Complications Injury to the posterior interosseous nerve, osteoarthritis and elbow stiffness is the common complications of radial head fractures. Mystifying facts Radial head excision does not cause instability (due to the presence of interosseous membrane) or functional impairment (due to the distal radioulnar joint). Fracture reduction should be exact since any residual irregularity of the articular surface will cause limited motion, delayed recovery and traumatic arthritis of the elbow. The fracture fixation should be strong enough to allow gentle active exercises even before radiographs show evidence of complete union. As separation of the fracture of the patella causes quadriceps insufficiency so does displaced fracture olecranon causes triceps insufficiency. Note: In olecranon fracture more than 2 mm separation between fracture fragments is called displaced fracture. Clinical Features the patient complains of pain, swelling and inability to extend the elbow. In children, closed reduction is done and the limb is immobilized in an above elbow plaster slab or cast for 3 to 4 weeks and this is often successful. There is no place for conservative treatment, because closed reduction needs immobilization in extension for 6 to 8 weeks, which except in children causes permanent stiffness. Medullary fixation by a single interfragmentary screw: this is indicated in comminuted fracture of olecranon when its distal fragment and the head of the radius are dislocated anteriorly. This method is useful only if enough of the olecranon is left to form a stable base for the trochlea. Contoured plate and screws are indicated in comminuted fractures with bone loss where tension band wiring cannot be done. Disturbing facts Reoperation rate after tension band wiring in olecranon fracture is as high as 71. Complications Nonunion of the fracture, osteoarthritis of the elbow, triceps insufficiency and restricted movements of the elbow are the common complications of fracture olecranon.

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