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By: R. Trano, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine

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Global Cancer Facts & Figures 4th Edition Estimated Number of New Cancer Cases by World Area, 2018* 15 14 9 17 16 12 3 13 10 7 6 5 11 20 2 1 8 19 21 4 18 Worldwide* 17,036,900 1 2 3 4 5 Eastern Africa (324,900) Middle Africa (94,000) Northern Africa (279,100) Southern Africa (108,900) Western Africa (224,200) 6 Caribbean (106,600) 7 Central America (245,500) 8 South America (992,100) 9 Northern America (1,896,100) 10 Eastern Asia (5,587,800) 11 12 13 14 15 South-Eastern Asia (975,800) South-Central Asia (1,719,200) Western Asia (390,600) Central and Eastern Europe (1,203,000) Northern Europe (623,400) 16 17 18 19 20 21 Southern Europe (872,200) Western Europe (1,212,700) Australia/New Zealand (163,800) Melanesia (14,600) Micronesia (1,000) Polynesia (1,500) *Region estimates do not sum to the worldwide estimate due to calculation method. Special Section: the Obesity Epidemic see page 47 Contents Basic Cancer Facts What Is Cancer? Cancer Prevention and Control 1 1 1 3 7 7 9 10 10 Special Section: the Obesity Epidemic Introduction Defining Excess Body Weight Prevalence and Trends in Excess Body Weight Key Drivers of the Global Increase in Excess Body Weight Cancers Attributable to Excess Body Weight Cancers for Which Evidence Is Sufficient Cancers for Which Evidence Is Probable Cancer Survival How Excess Body Weight Increases Cancer Risk Weight Loss and Cancer Risk the Global Fight against Excess Body Weight What Is the American Cancer Society Doing to Help Reduce Excess Body Weight and the Associated Cancer Burden? All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this publication or portions thereof in any form. Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Although the causes of cancer remain largely unknown, particularly for those that occur during childhood, there are many factors known to increase risk. Some of these are modifiable, such as tobacco use and excess body weight, while others are generally unmodifiable, such as inherited genetic mutations, hormones, and immune conditions. These risk factors may act simultaneously or in sequence to initiate and/or promote cancer growth. These estimates do not include non-melanoma skin cancers, for which the majority are not tracked by cancer registries. Education includes average years of schooling for adults 25 years of age and older and expected years of schooling for children. Cancers related to these factors, such as lung, breast, and colorectal cancers, are already on the rise in economically transitioning countries, a trend that will continue if preventive measures are not widely applied. Factors that contribute to differences in cancer incidence and mortality across countries include variations in age structure; prevalence of risk factors; and availability and use of preventive services, early detection tests. Global burden of cancers attributable to infections in 2012: a synthetic analysis. These numbers reflect the size of the population, as well as cancer occurrence and survival. Table 3 lists the most common types of cancer cases and deaths in 2018 by geographic region, and Figure 3 shows the most commonly diagnosed cancer in each country, illustrating the larger diversity in males than in females. The most common cancers in men other than lung and prostate include liver in Egypt, Mongolia, and several countries in Western Africa (Burkina Faso, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Niger, the Gambia) and South-Eastern Asia (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam); colorectum in Slovakia, Japan, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), and several countries in Western Asia (Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Table 2. Estimated Number of New Cancer Cases and Deaths by World Area, 2018* Cases Male Eastern Africa Middle Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa Caribbean Central America South America Northern America Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia South-Central Asia Western Asia Eastern Europe Northern Europe Southern Europe Western Europe Australia/New Zealand Melanesia Micronesia Polynesia 126,400 40,500 132,300 47,400 87,200 54,900 109,900 480,600 970,100 3,090,600 470,900 848,200 204,400 595,200 326,600 479,200 658,700 87,700 6,400 500 800 Deaths Overall 324,900 94,000 279,100 108,900 224,200 106,600 245,500 992,100 1,896,100 5,587,800 975,800 1,719,200 390,600 1,203,000 623,400 872,200 1,212,700 163,800 14,600 1,000 1,500 Female 198,400 53,500 146,800 61,500 136,900 51,700 135,600 511,400 926,000 2,497,300 504,900 871,000 186,200 607,800 296,800 393,000 554,100 76,100 8,200 500 700 Male 92,900 30,200 95,600 29,700 62,100 34,000 56,800 250,900 363,900 2,129,600 342,400 614,600 128,900 381,700 145,400 244,900 305,900 32,700 4,200 400 500 Female 134,400 37,600 81,000 31,300 88,300 28,500 60,800 234,800 329,100 1,315,100 283,400 545,000 90,800 310,800 126,800 174,300 239,800 25,600 4,700 300 400 Overall 227,300 67,800 176,600 61,000 150,400 62,400 117,600 485,600 693,000 3,444,700 625,800 1,159,600 219,700 692,500 272,200 419,300 545,800 58,300 8,900 600 800 *Excludes non-melanoma skin cancer. Surveillance Research 6 Global Cancer Facts & Figures 4th Edition Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen); stomach in five South-Central Asian countries (Bhutan, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan); lip and oral cavity in Papua New Guinea, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka; Kaposi sarcoma in Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, Botswana, and Lesotho; non-Hodgkin lymphoma in Djibouti, Eritrea, and Sudan; leukemia in Ethiopia; and esophagus in Bangladesh. Cancer survival in a population is affected by a number of factors, including the types of cancer that occur, the stages at which they are diagnosed, the prevalence of screening/early detection services, and whether treatment is available (Table 5). There can also be survival differences within a country that reflect differences in access to screening and treatment; 5-year survival for cervical cancer in the United States in 2004-2009 was 64% among whites and 56% among blacks. In addition to differences in screening and treatment, international differences in cancer survival rates are also affected by disease awareness and data quality.

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At this point menstrual period blood clots discount provera 5mg otc, it is forced under pressure (up to 1500 bar) through a very narrow annulus or discharge valve womens health medicaid discount provera express, over which the pressure drops to atmospheric menstrual cramp relief 5mg provera free shipping. Cell disruption is primarily achieved by high liquid shear in the orifice and the sudden pressure drop upon discharge causes explosion of the cells menopause medications buy cheap provera online. The rate of protein release (efficiency of disruption) is independent of the cell concentration, but is a function of the pressure exerted, the number of cycles through the homogenizer and the temperature. Disruption of yeast cell preparations, for example, typically requires three passes through the pressure cell at 650 bar, whereas wild-type Escherichia coli generally needs 1100­1500 bar. A problem with this method of cell disruption is that all intracellular mate- Cell disruption Some target products are intracellular, including many enzymes and recombinant proteins, several of which form inclusion bodies (see p. Therefore, methods are required to disrupt the microorganisms and release these products. The breaching of the cell wall/envelope and cytoplasmic membrane can pose problems, particularly where cells possess strong cell walls. For example, a pressure of 650 bar is needed to disrupt yeast cells, although this may vary somewhat at different times during the growth cycle and depending upon the specific growth conditions. This may also affect further processing, such as pumping the suspension on to the next unit process and flow through chromatography columns. If mechanical disruption is used then heat is invariably generated, which denatures proteins unless appropriate 118 Chapter 7 Microfluidics impingement jet system and the Glass-col nebulizer. The Parr Instruments cell disruption bomb is designed for disrupting mammalian cells. This is a relatively gentle method that works on the principle of nitrogen decompression and does not generate heat. Nitrogen is dissolved in cells under high pressure, and sudden pressure release then causes the cells to burst. As a result, the product of interest must be separated from a complex mixture of proteins, nucleic acids and cell wall fragments. Some fragments of cell debris are not readily separated, making the solution difficult to clarify. In addition, proteins may be denatured if the equipment is not sufficiently cooled and filamentous microorganisms may block the discharge valve. When used for certain categories of microorganisms, the homogenizers have to be contained to prevent the escape of aerosols. On a small scale, manual grinding of cells with abrasives, usually alumina, glass beads, kieselguhr or silica, can be an effective means of disruption, but results may not be reproducible. In industry, high-speed bead mills, equipped with cooling jackets, are often used to agitate a cell suspension with small beads (0. Cell breakage results from shear forces, grinding between beads and collisions with beads. The efficiency of cell breakage is a function of agitation speed, concentration of beads, bead density and diameter, broth density, flow rate and temperature. Cell concentration is also a major factor (optimum 30­60% dry weight), which is an important difference from the liquid shear homogenizers described above. Ultrasonic disruption of cells involves cavitation, microscopic bubbles or cavities generated by pressure waves. It is performed by ultrasonic vibrators that produce a high-frequency sound with a wave density of approximately 20 kilohertz/s. A transducer converts the waves into mechanical oscillations via a titanium probe immersed in the concentrated cell suspension. However, this technique also generates heat, which can denature thermolabile proteins. Rod-shaped bacteria are often easier to break than cocci, and Gram-negative organisms are more easily disrupted than Gram-positive cells. Sonication is effective on a small scale, but is not routinely used in large-scale operations, due to problems with the transmission of power and heat dissipation. Cell disruption is a somewhat neglected area of bioprocessing, as there has been relatively little innovation and progress. Even the routinely used established mechanical methods were originally devised for other purposes. However, some newer disruption systems are being developed to give improved large-scale disruption, often with integral containment.

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