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By: N. Farmon, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

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The Nightingale schools became a source for teachers and superintendents (often dragon-like ladies bountiful allergy testing in dogs discount 10 ml astelin with amex, with no direct personal experience of nursing allergy testing anchorage cheap astelin on line, and perhaps more concerned with morality than practicality) allergy forecast history purchase astelin 10 ml amex, who carried the system throughout Britain and into Aus tralia (1867) allergy forecast in fresno ca buy astelin 10 ml mastercard, Canada (1874), and New Zealand. Her books, Notes on Nursing and Notes on Hospitals, helped consolidate her reforms, stressing cleanliness, fresh air, and discipline. His horror at the want o f medical support for the wounded led him to institute the International Red Cross in 1864. In many parts o f Europe, religious orders long continued to dominate nursing, and the professional element developed sluggishly. In France, two decades of war brought military surgeons to the fore, notably Dom inique-Jean Tarrey, a highly skilful battlefield amputator who developed the first effective ambulance, and Guillaume Dupuytren. After the First World War, however, the Weimar government created a state nursing diploma (1922), and w ithin 10 years lay nurses outnumbered the nursing sisters by nearly tw o to one. Around 1900 Sir W illiam Osier could write th a t `the trained nurse has Florence Nightingale in the m ilitary hospital at Scutari. More daring operations were attempted, gynaecological surgery developing dramatically. American conditions proved favourable for innovation; there, the medical profession was less regulated, and, in the southern states, surgeons had slaves to practise on. In 1809, the American, Ephraim McDowell, performed the first successful ovariotomy (w ithout anaesthetic) on 47-year-old Jan e Todd Craw ford, removing 15 pounds (nearly 7 kilogram s) of a dirty gelatinous substance from her cyst. Jo h n 228 The C am bridge Illustrated H istory of M edicine Attlee removed the ovaries o f seventy-eight women between 1843 and 1883, with sixty-four recoveries. In 1824, the first British ovariotomy was performed by Jo h n Lizars of Edinburgh University. By mid-century the operation was being per formed regularly in England by Sir Spencer W ells in London and Charles Clay in Manchester. Another American surgeon, Jam es M arion Sims, a South Carolinian who set tled in Alabama, was responsible for successful treatm ent (1 8 4 9) of vesico-vaginal fistula, again on a slave woman. Hinckley, in an oil painted in 1 8 9 1 - 9 4, here recaptures the first operation performed under ether, on the morning of 16 October 1 8 4 6. Thereafter, surgical traum a became bearable and new surgical procedures of all kinds became possible. The surgeon w as Joh n Collins W arren, professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School; the anaesthetist W illiam Thomas M orton, a dentist; and the patient making history, a young man with a tum our on his neck, Gilbert Abbot. A fter the operation, W arren is said to have pro claimed: `Gentlemen, this is no humbug. Anaesthesia was n ot entirely new, and m edicine had always, o f course, used certain analgesics. Early societies were aware of the pain-deadening qualities of opium, hashish or Indian hemp, and alcohol. In the first century ad, the Greek naturalist, Dioscorides (see page 2 4 9), suggested the root of the mandrake, steeped in wine, should be given to patients about to undergo surgery. Yet m ost patients before the reign o f Queen Victoria had to face serious surgery with few attempts to deaden the pain (a deeply drugged or drunk patient could be more difficult to handle than an alert one suffering acute pain). The first gas recognized to have anaesthetic powers was nitrous oxide, the object of self-experim entation in 1795 by the Bristol physician, Thom as Beddoes, and his young assistant, Humphry Davy. In 1800, Davy published R esearches, C hem ical and P hilosophical, Chiefly Concerning Nitrous O xide and its Respiration. Clarke, a practitioner from Rochester, New York, endeavoured a tooth extraction under ether. The use of ether as a sur gical anaesthetic was also developed by a Boston dentist, W illiam T. Another American dentist, Horace W ells, thought of using nitrous oxide for extractions, and he had one of his own teeth painlessly pulled in D ecem ber 1844, proclaiming a new era o f tooth-pulling. Medical scepticism about his claims was to lead W ells to com m it suicide shortly after. Anaesthesia gained approval although ether was soon challenged by the safer chloroform.

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Soon after the publication of the Flexner report allergy symptoms uk cheap astelin 10 ml without a prescription, the Rockefeller Foundation made funds available to Jo h n s Hopkins for the estab lishm ent of full-tim e chairs in clinical subjects allergy forecast alabama generic 10 ml astelin with mastercard. The system received a further boost with the founda tion in f9 4 8 of the National Institutes o f Health allergy treatment energy buy astelin 10 ml cheap. Since the First World War allergy testing flonase astelin 10 ml low price, American clinical research has been notable both for quantity and for quality. No British clinical research w orker has won a Nobel Prize since Sir Ronald Ross, who won it in 1902 for the discovery of the role of the mosquito in the transmis sion o f malaria (see page 188). Nevertheless, num erous British individuals have made internationally recognized contributions to clinical research in the twenti eth century, among them Jam es M ackenzie, who pioneered the use of the poly graph for recording the pulse and its relationship to cardiovascular disease. His work was particularly im portant in distinguishing atrial fibrillation and in treat ing this com m on condition with digitalis. His D iseases o f the H eart (1 9 0 8) sum marized his vast experience, although he never properly appreciated the possibilities of the electrocardiograph, then being taken up by the more techno logically minded Thom as Lewis. Medical Science 197 Thom as Lewis has been dubbed the architect o f British clin ical research. Born in Cardiff, Lewis w ent in 1902 to University College Hospital (Lon d on), where he remained as student, teacher, and consu ltant u ntil his death. Through anim al experi ments he was able to correlate the various electrical waves recorded by an electrocardiograph with the sequence o f events during a con traction o f the heart, w hich enabled him to use the instrum ent as a diagnostic tool when the heart had disturbances of its rhythm, damage to its valves, or changes due to high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, and other conditions. In later life, Lewis turned his attention to the physiology o f cutaneous blood vessels and the Alice Ruhde, assistant phar m acologist at Joh n J. In 1 9 1 4, he showed that blood contains amino acids, by dialysis through a cellophane tube, and this work paved the way towards dialysis in the treatm ent of kidney disease. In 1 9 2 5, insulin was crystallized in his laboratory and shown to be a protein. Tatum Joshua Lederberg Severo Ochoa A rthur Komberg Frank Macfarlane Burnet Peter B. Porter Karl von Frisch Konrad Lorenz Nikolaas Tinbergen Albert Claude Christian de Duve George E. Lewis was the first physician com pletely to m aster the electrocardiogram, w hich the Dutch physiologist W illem Einthoven had introduced in 1 9 0 1 (see page 1 4 1). By the early 1930s, Lewis had becom e the m ost influential figure in British clinical research, and his department at University College Hospital was the M ecca for aspiring clinical research workers. Before the First W orld War, the medical schools, especially in London, were private and rather disorganized institutions, and there was little encourage m ent of clinical research. A Royal Com m ission on University Education in Lon don initiated changes that led to the establishm ent of modern academic departments in clinical subjects with an emphasis on research. By 1925 five chairs o f m edicine were established among the twelve medical schools in London. Advised by Austin Bradford Hill, professor o f m edical statistics and epidemiology at the London School of Tropical M edicine and Hygiene, in 1946 the council set up a trial o f the efficacy o f streptom ycin in the treatm ent of pul monary tuberculosis. The drug was in short supply and it was considered ethically justifiable to carry out a trial in w hich one group received streptom ycin whereas a control group was treated with traditional methods. This, the first randomized controlled trial to be reported in hum an subjects, served as a model for other such studies. The second m ajor development was the application o f epidemiology to the analysis of clinical problems. Their painstak ing survey o f patients from twenty London hospitals showed that sm oking is a factor, and an im portant factor, in the production of cancer o f the lung. They went on to establish that the same conclusion applied nationally and, in an im portant study of members of the medical profession, they demonstrated that mortality from the disease fell if individuals stopped smoking. As this last example shows, medical science now knows no bounds; its methods and scope sweep from the laboratory to the social survey, in helping to forge an understanding of the wider parameters of disease. W ithout hospitals, no advanced surgery is possible; without surgery, or at least w ithout a battery of invasive treat ments, the hospital would lose its unique place in the medical system. These rec iprocal ties reflect modern medical realities, but they provide a wholly misleading picture of the past. The genesis of the hospital had little to do with the meeting of surgical needs; and the rise o f surgery owed nothing to any special facilities that hospitals could provide. For centuries, surgery was performed on the kitchen table, on the field of battle, or below deck on the warship.

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Men should have urethral and pharyngeal cultures allergy testing information buy astelin with a visa, and allergy testing supplies buy astelin with amex, if homosexual allergy shots skin reactions generic 10 ml astelin with mastercard, rectal cultures allergy symptoms to pollen buy astelin 10 ml fast delivery. However, frequent percutaneous aspiration and saline irrigation of the joint may be beneficial, especially for a septic joint that has not begun to respond after 24 hours treatment. Joint irrigation with an antibiotic is not required, and is contraindicated because it may produce a chemical synovitis. Gram stains are not useful due to nonpathogenic Neisseria species normally found in the mouth. Cultures are expensive and time consuming due to the need for special sugar fermentation studies to speciate the organism. Criteria for obtaining a gonococcal throat culture include anyone symptomatic with pharyngitis who falls into any one of the following groups: 11-7 U. Gonococcal proctitis occurs in 36 to 44 percent of women with endocervical gonorrhea, usually due to penile-perineal contact. Among homosexual men, 45 percent had rectal gonorrhea; over 90 percent admitted to receptive rectal intercourse. Most cases are asymptomatic, although minor symptoms occur such as pruritis, mild discomfort (pain, pressure, fullness), mild diarrhea or discharge, or mucous on stools. Such symptoms may be more common than realized but often are not volunteered by the patient. Significant proctitis (tenesmus, purulent discharge, bleeding) is seen in three to ten percent of cases. Cultures provide definitive diagnosis, although multiple cultures may be required. Anoscopy may show nonspecific findings (mucous, generalized edema, ulcerations), or be normal. In overseas military populations, gonorrhea is slightly more common, but the incidence of either may reach several hundred per 1000 men per year. The analogous disease in women is chlamydia endocervicitis, but it may also present as the acute urethral syndrome or dysuriapyuria syndrome. Genital Infection Genital infection with chlamydia appears to be inversely related to age, and positively correlated with the number of sex partners. Sexually active women less than 20 years of age have an infection rate two to three times higher than those over 20 years. Similarly, the rates of urethral infection among teenage males are higher than those for adults. Two studies of young, sexually active men, have demonstrated that about 11 percent of them are asymptomatic chalamydia carriers. Approximately 70 percent and 36 percent, respectively, of female sex partners of men with confirmed chlamydia urethritis or confirmed gonococcal urethritis have chlamydia isolated from the endocervical tract. Of men who are sex partners of women with confirmed chlamydial infection, 25 to 50 percent have chlamydia isolated from the urethra. Approximately 15 to 30 percent of heterosexual men with gonococcal urethritis have a simultaneous infection with chlamydia. It is not known how long the organism may persist in men, but in untreated women, chlamydia have persisted up to 18 months. This is probably a placebo effect; however, if patients think beer (or anything else) makes their symptoms worse, they should reduce their beer intake. The discharge is usually clear and mucoid, and may also be present only on arising. In contrast, classic gonorrhea presents abruptly, with severe dysuria and a copious purulent discharge. However, the spectra of presentation of these two entities overlap, and either may mimic the other. All urethritis patients should be evaluated with an urethral Gram stain and culture for gonorrhea. Diagnosis Specific diagnostic tests for chlamydia (and ureaplasma) are not ideal, and generally are unavailable outside of medical centers or specialty clinics.

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Posterolateral disc herniations usually compress the nerve root exiting through the foramen below the affected level allergy vaccine uk cheap 10 ml astelin free shipping. Spinous process Superior articular process Dural sac Sacrum Transverse process Nerve roots of cauda equina Pedicle L4 root L5 root L5 L4 Posterolateral disc protrusion Lumbar disc lesions may occur at any level but L4/5 and L5/S1 are the commonest sites (95%) allergy testing for acne astelin 10 ml line. Leg pain: Root irritation or compression produces pain in the distribution of the affected root and this should extend below the mid-calf allergy treatment in cats purchase astelin line. Coughing allergy xanthan gum cheap 10 ml astelin with mastercard, sneezing or straining aggravates the leg pain which is usually more severe than any associated backache. If compression causes severe root damage the leg pain may disappear as neurological signs develop. Sensory symptoms: Numbness or paraesthesia occur in the distribution of the affected root. Straight leg raising: L5 and S1 root compression causes limitation to less than 60° from the horizontal and produces pain down the back of the leg. L5 ­ Wasting and weakness of dorsiflexors of foot, extensor digitorum longus and extensor hallucis longus; wasting of extensor digitorum brevis; sensory impairment over lateral calf and dorsum of foot. S1 ­ Wasting and weakness of plantar flexors; sensory impairment over lateral aspect of foot and sole; impaired ankle jerk. Root signs cannot reliably localise the level of disc protrusion due to variability of the anatomical distribution. Central disc protrusion Symptoms and signs of central disc protrusion are usually bilateral, although one side is often worse than the other. Sphincter paralysis: Loss of bladder and urethral sensation with intermittent or complete retention of urine occurs in most patients. In this instance, strong analgesia should allow normal micturition; the presence of normal perineal sensation excludes root compression as the cause of the retention. Motor loss: Usually presents as foot drop with loss of power in the dorsiflexors and plantarflexors of both feet. Straight X-rays are important in excluding other pathology such as metastatic carcinoma. Sagittal views combined with axial views at the appropriate level will demonstrate disc disease and exclude a lesion at the conus. Any protuberance from the facet joint causing root pressure or narrowing of the root canal is also removed. The remainder may have recurrent problems due to a further disc protrusion at the same or another level. Trials comparing early operative treatment against conservative management have confirmed that discectomy provided rapid relief of symptoms, but beyond 1 year, little difference existed between the groups. Although all techniques may produce some improvement in symptoms, none appears as effective as microdiscectomy. Initial studies report good results, but as yet there is no evidence to suggest that this more extensive and more expensive procedure should replace standard microdiscectomy. A recent randomised trial comparing lumbar fusion with an intensive rehabilitation programme found no evidence of any benefit from lumbar fusion. After disc operation, patients are advised to avoid heavy lifting, preferably for an indefinite period. In general, patients with clear-cut indications for operation do well, whereas those with dubious clinical or radiographic signs tend to have a high incidence of residual or recurrent problems. Retrospective studies suggest that the chance of recovery depends on the extent of nerve root damage at the time of the decompression, but for ethical reasons this cannot be tested by randomised trial. If symptoms have progressed to painless urinary retention with overflow incontinence, then the outcome is poor and the timing of surgery may not influence the results. In contrast to posterolateral protrusions, large central discs may require a one or two level laminectomy to minimise the risk of further root damage. After disc removal, recovery of function may continue for up to 2 years, but results are often disappointing. Although most regain bladder control, few have completely normal function and in many, disordered sexual function persists. Symptoms of root pain, paraesthesia or weakness develop after standing or walking and may be relieved by sitting, bending forwards or lying down.

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