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There has recently been an unprecedented growth inknowledgeaboutthegeneticbasisofdiseases: diagnosisandintherapeuticguidance,suchasfor thetreatmentofmalignancies. Genetically determined diseases include those result ingfrom: · · · · chromosomalabnormalities theactionofasinglegene(Mendeliandisorders) unusualgeneticmechanisms interactionofgeneticandenvironmentalfactors (polygenic,multifactorial,orcomplexdisorders). ThechromosomalabnormalitiesinDown, Klinefelter and Turner syndromes were recognised in 1959andthousandsofchromosomedefectshavenow beendocumented. Theestimated incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in liveborn infants is about 1 in 150; they usually cause multiple congenital anomalies and cognitive difficulties. Down syndrome (trisomy 21) this is the most common autosomal trisomy and the mostcommongeneticcauseofseverelearningdifficul ties. Thediagnosiscanbedifficultto make when relying on clinical signs alone and a sus pecteddiagnosisshouldbeconfirmedbyaseniorpae diatrician. Before blood is sent for analysis, parents shouldbeinformedthatatestforDownsyndromeis beingperformed. Theyarealso likely, at some stage in the future, to appreciate the opportunitytodiscusshowandwhytheconditionhas arisen,theriskofrecurrenceandthepossibilityofante nataldiagnosisinfuturepregnancies. Congenital heart disease is present in 30% and, particularly atrioventricular canal defect,isamajorcauseofearlymortality. Parents also need to know what assistance is available from both professionals and family support groups. Cytogenetics the extra chromosome 21 may result from meiotic nondisjunction,translocationormosaicism. Meiotic non-disjunction (94%) Innondisjunctiontrisomy21: · · mostcasesresultfromanerroratmeiosis thepairofchromosome21sfailstoseparate,so thatonegametehastwochromosome21sand onehasnone(Fig. However, as the proportion of pregnancies in older mothers is small, most affected babies are born to younger mothers. Furthermore, meiotic nondisjunction can occur in spermatogenesissothattheextra21canbeofpaternal origin. Allpregnantwomenarenowofferedscreening testsmeasuringbiochemicalmarkersinbloodsamples andoftenalsonuchalthickeningonultrasound(thick ening of the soft tissues at the back of the neck) to identify an increased risk of Down syndrome in the fetus. Afterhaving onechildwithtrisomy21duetonondisjunction,the risk of recurrence of Down syndrome is given as 1 in 200formothersundertheageof35years,butremains similar to their agerelated population risk for those overtheageof35years. In this situation, parental chromosomal analysis is recommended,sinceoneoftheparentsmaywellcarry the translocation in balanced form (in 25% of cases). IntranslocationDownsyndrome: · Mosaicism (1%) In mosaicism, some of the cells are normal and some havetrisomy21. Thisusuallyarisesaftertheformation of the chromosomally normal zygote by non disjunctionatmitosisbutcanarisebylatermitoticnon disjunctioninatrisomy21conception. Risk of Down syndrome 1 in 650 1 in 1530 1 in 900 1 in 385 1 in 240 1 in 110 1 in 37 Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) and Patau syndrome (trisomy 13) AlthoughrarerthanDownsyndrome(1in8000and1 in14000livebirths,respectively),particularconstella tions of severe multiple abnormalities suggest these diagnosesatbirth;mostaffectedbabiesdieininfancy. Many affected fetuses are detectedbyultrasoundscanduringthesecondtrimes terofpregnancyanddiagnosiscanbeconfirmedante natally by amniocentesis and chromosome analysis. Recurrenceriskislow,exceptwhenthetrisomyisdue to a balanced chromosome rearrangement in one of theparents. Turner syndrome (45, X) Usually (>95%), Turner syndrome results in early mis carriage and is increasingly detected by ultrasound antenatally when fetal oedema of the neck, hands or feetoracystichygromamaybeidentified. Inabout50%ofgirlswithTurnersyndrome,thereare 45 chromosomes, with only one X chromosome. The othercaseshaveadeletionoftheshortarmofoneX chromosome, an isochromosome that has two long armsbutnoshortarm,oravarietyofotherstructural defectsofoneoftheXchromosomes. Whenthis exchange involves no loss or gain of chromosomal 1 Genetics 119 2 · · Growthhormonetherapy Oestrogenreplacementfordevelopmentof secondarysexualcharacteristicsatthetimeof puberty(butinfertilitypersists). A translocation that appears bal ancedonconventionalchromosomeanalysismaystill involve the loss of a few genes or the disruption of a single gene at one of the chromosomal breakpoints andresultinanabnormalphenotype,oftenincluding cognitivedifficulties. Studyingthebreakpointsinsuch individuals has been one way of identifying the loca tionofspecificgenes. Findingabalancedtransloca tioninoneparentindicatesarecurrenceriskforfuture pregnancies, so that antenatal diagnosis by chorionic villussamplingoramniocentesisshouldbeofferedas wellastestingrelativeswhomightbecarriers.


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Furthermore erectile dysfunction drugs in nigeria order cialis 10mg without prescription, it is the definitive procedure for detecting and confirming calcification erectile dysfunction vacuum pumps purchase cialis paypal. Enhancement with intravenously administered contrast agents may be added or substituted to demonstrate normal vascular structures erectile dysfunction vitamin shoppe buy cheap cialis on line. Such an approach is particularly critical in the timely evaluation of the newborn in respiratory distress in whom nasochoanal stenosis/atresia is suspected erectile dysfunction doctor order cialis without prescription. This modality often provides definitive evaluation, especially for trauma, infection, and pseudotumor. It is the standard for the emergency evaluation of suppurative head and neck lesions. The bolus technique provides a "blood pool" effect to visualize normal neck vessels and abnormal vascularity. For the face, orbits, and sinuses, the series usually includes straight and angled frontal views. Occasionally, axial sections may be obtained prior to the enhanced study to evaluate for calcification or hemorrhage. Iodine 123 (123I) and technetium Tc 99m (99mTc) pertechnetate are the agents currently used. Because its biochemical behavior is identical to that of stable iodide and because it affords a higher thyroid-to-background ratio, 123I is probably preferred. The volume head coil, or semivolume head and neck coil, is used to obtain sagittal T1-weighted images, axial proton density images, and axial T2-weighted images. Gadolinium-enhanced T1weighted images with fat suppression are often used in one or more planes, particularly for the evaluation of tumors and inflammation. High-resolution thin-section axial and coronal T1-weighted acquisitions are often used with fat suppression and gadolinium enhancement, particularly to evaluate the orbits and internal auditory canals. Normal Development the eye and orbit develop from the neuroectoderm, the cutaneous ectoderm, and the neural crest cells. The optic primordium gives rise to the optic vesicle and stalk, which become the eye (including the retina) and the optic nerve. A transitory vascular system, the hyaloid artery and its branches, forms the primary vitreous and then involutes by the 35th gestational week. The outer layer of the globe is the sclera and cornea, the middle layer is the choroid, ciliary body, and iris, and the inner layer is the retina. The retina, which is the neurovisual membrane, is continuous posteriorly with the optic nerve. The tears are drained from the eye by the lacrimal canals into the lacrimal sac medially and then into the nasolacrimal duct, which empties into the inferior meatus of the nasal cavity. The orbit contains the orbital fascia, ocular muscles, globe and its appendages, and associated arteries, veins, and nerves. The optic foramen lies at the orbital apex and transmits the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery. The superior orbital fissure lies inferolaterally to the optic foramen and transmits the third and fourth cranial nerves, the ophthalmic division of the fifth cranial nerve, the sixth cranial nerve, sympathetic nerves, and the ophthalmic vein. The extraocular muscles originate at the orbital apex and insert on the globe, forming a cone about the globe and optic nerve. The orbital fascia forms the periosteum of the orbit, and its anterior reflection about the globe is the orbital septum. The globe is 75% of adult size at birth, and its growth is complete by age 7 years. Primary Ocular Abnormalities It may be difficult to distinguish anophthalmia (congenital absence of the eye) from severe microphthalmia (hypoplastic eye) or orbital hypoplasia. Ocular structures (lens and globe) are absent in primary anophthalmia but present in microphthalmia. Anophthalmia may be sporadic or may occur with chromosomal syndromes and complex craniofacial anomalies. Typical colobomas result from failure of embryonic choroidal fissure closure and are usually bilateral. On imaging, a small cyst is found behind the globe at the head of the optic nerve (see.


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