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Read content: Oral Language and Reading Development Formative Quiz (ungraded) Unit Summary/Reflection Final Comprehensive Assessment (each reading component) Discussion Board Create and Analogy for Learning a Second Language Pre-Test/Post Test Unit Summary/Reflection Final Comprehensive Assessment (each reading component) Discussion Board Create and Analogy for Learning a Second Language Pre-Test/Post Test Graham, S. Writing to Read: A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Writing and Writing Instruction on Reading. Curriculum Study Assignment Read content: Assessment Formative Quiz (ungraded) Assessment Unit Summary/Reflection Final Comprehensive Assessment (each reading component) Discussion Board Create and Analogy for Learning a Second Language Pre-Test/Post Test Bibliography the Access Center: Improving Outcomes for All Students K-8. 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D was "identify") Apply intentional, explicit, systematic instructional practices to scaffold vocabulary and concept development. Module 4 read content: Building a Strong Oral Vocabulary, Fluency, Assessing Fluency, Integration of Research-Based Practices Module 4 read content: Building a Strong Oral Vocabulary, Fluency, Assessing Fluency, Integration of Research-Based Practices Module 4 read content: Vocabulary, Assessing Vocabulary 2. Lesson Plan: Creating, Revising, Delivering, and Reflecting Discussion Board Reflection of video about comprehension strategies Lesson Plan: Creating, Revising, Delivering, and Reflecting Discussion Board Reflection of video about comprehension strategies Lesson Plan and deliver Literacy Log Reflection of video about instructional strategies Lesson Plan: Creating, Revising, Delivering, and Reflecting Discussion Board Reflection of video about comprehension strategies Applications of Research-Based Instruction 2. 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Malinowski says of the funeral rites: the ritual performances at his twice-opened grave and over his buried remains cholesterol lowering food tips generic 160 mg fenofibrate visa, and all that is done with his relics average cholesterol by age purchase fenofibrate from india, are merely a social game cholesterol in dry shrimp fenofibrate 160mg with visa, where the various groupings into which the community has re-crystallized at his death play against each other cholesterol levels test generic fenofibrate 160 mg free shipping. I 0 8) the kindred must also not display any outward signs of mourning in costume and ornamentation, though they need not conceal their grief and may show it by weeping. Here the underlying idea is that the maternal kinsmen are hit in their own persons; that each one suffers because the whole sub-clan to which they belong has been maimed by the loss of one of its members. This abstention from outward mourning extends, not only to all the members of the sub-clan beyond the real kinsmen, but to all the members of the clan to which the dead man belonged. Quite different in the native idea is the relation of the widow, and of the children and relatives-in-Iaw, to the dead and to his corpse. But in feeling thus they are not suffering directly; they are the Imposition of Sexua l Morality 159 not grieving for a loss which affects their own sub-clan. Their grief is not spontaneous like that of the veyola (maternal kinsmen), but a duty almost artificial, springing as it does from acquired obligations. Therefore they must ostentatiously express their grief, display it, and bear witness to it by outward signs. Thus an interesting situation develops, giving rise to a most strange spectacle: a few hours after the death of a notable, the village is thronged by people, with their heads shaven, the whole body thickly smeared with soot, and howling like demons in despair. In contrast to these, a number of others are to be seen in their usual attire, outwardly calm and behaving as if nothing had happened. These represent the sub-clan and clan of the deceased, and are the actually bereaved. Thus by a devious reasoning, tradition and custom produce the reverse of what would seem natural and obvious to us or any observer from almost any other culture. In this group, and it may be in that of the sons also, an observer well acquainted with these natives would be able to distinguish an interesting interplay of feigned and merely histrionic grief with real and heartfelt sorrow. Instead she moves into a small cage, built within her house, where she will remain for months together, observing the strictest taboos. She must not leave the place; she may only speak in whispers; she must not touch food or drink with her own hands, but wait till they are put into her mouth; she rem ains closed up in the dark, without fresh air or light; her body is thickly smeared over with soot and grease, which will not be washed off for a long time. She satisfies all the necessities of life indoors, and the excrea have to be carried out by her relatives. Food is put into her mouth according to a ritual which gives her permission to eat with her own hand s. Then, ceremonially, she is allowed to spe ak; fin ally she is released from the taboo of confinement and, still with appropriate rituaL requested to walk forth. A t the ceremony of her complete release by the female "eyola of the dead man, the widow is washed and anointe d, and dressed in a new g audy grass skirt in three colors. I 57) the idea that it is the imperative duty of the widow and her relatives to show grief and perform all the mortuary services, emphasizes the s trength and the permanence of marriage bonds as served by tradition (p. I 59) In the fi r s t place, it is a duty towards the d e a d and towards his sub-clan, a duty s trongly enjoined by the code of morals and guarded by public opinion, a s well as by the kins men. In the s e c o n d place, it demonstrates to the world at large that the wife and children were really good to the dead m a n a n d t h a t the y t o o k gre a t c are of h i m in h i s illnes s. L astly, and this is very important, it all ays any su spicion of their complicity in his murder by black m a llie. To understand the last quee; motive, one has to realize t e extreme fear, the ever-vigilant suspicion of sorcery, and the unusual lack of trust in anyone at all with reference to it. The Trobrianders, in common with all races a t their culture level, regard every de ath without exception as an act of sorcery, unless it is h the Imposition of Sexual Morality 1 61 caused by suicide or by a visible accident such as poisoning or a spear thrust. It is characteristic of their idea of the bonds of marriage and fatherhood, which they regard as artificial and untrustworthy under any strain, that the principal suspicion of sorcery attaches always to the wife and children. His wife and children are mere strangers, and custom persists in ignoring any real identity of interest between them. We ob serve that wherever an exploitative relationship exists between Trobrianders, distrust prevails. Trobrianders also manifest a proper awareness of the artificial nature of marriage. For the blood relations of the deceased, material obligations did not exist, and, as a consequence, resentments re quiring a compensatory toning down also did n ot develop. Here we observe moral custom arising directly from the relationships of production.

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It seems highly improbable that such penalization of adolescent s exuality can be rooted in the structure of human instincts cholesterol levels prawns buy fenofibrate 160 mg. For then organizations come to light does cholesterol medication unclog arteries buy cheap fenofibrate 160 mg line, like the Trobriandic one cholesterol definition for biology order 160 mg fenofibrate with mastercard, which not only exhibit no punishments but afford quite striking provision for the sexual welfare (the bukumatula cholesterol structure order fenofibrate with a visa, adolescent coming-out and festivals, etc. We s ay such phenomena are the result of an encroachment of economic interests upon a purely natural sexu al gratific ation; and we expect shortly to prove i t. In this a limited number of couples, some two, three, or four, live for longer or shorter periods together in a temporary community. It also and incidentally offers shelter for younger couples if they want amorous privacy for an hour or two. Indeed, for fear of being singled out, admonished, and preached at, the owners of some bukumatula now erect them in the outer ring, where they are less conspicuous. But whatever the reason, it is needless to s ay that this state of affairs does not enhance true sex morality. In a certain type of yam-house, too, there is an empty closed-in space in which boys sometimes arrange little "co sy-corners," affording room for two. In these, they make a bed of dry leaves and m ats, and thus obtain a comfortable garr,:onniere, where they can meet and spend a h appy hour or two with their lover. Such arrange ments are, of cou rse, necess ary now that amorous inter course has become a passion instead of a game. Both girl and boy prefer to adopt more furtive and less conventionally binding methods, to avoid lapsing into a perm anent rel ationship which might put unnecess ary burdens on their liberty by becoming generally known. In parallel fashion the efforts of bourgeOis society either to actively hinder or to ignore the needs of adoles cents, among them the need for a place to have coitus, fully be- the Imposition of Sexual Morality 1 15 speak the sexual denial with which it is imbued. As the institu tional concern has a basic influence upon the sexual health of the primitive adolescents, so the hindrance conduces to a crip pled and brutalized sex life, not really defeated by the hindering measures, but rather transferred from quiet and hygienic loca tions and into dark corners and hallways, where the sex is done in haste and anxiety. And as to the "cultural level" to which our distraught cri tics constantly return our attention The word kaylasi, indicating sexu al trespass, would be used of one who offended against this code. The inmates never indulge in orgi astic pastimes, and it is con sidered bad form to watch another couple during their love making. I was told by my young friends th at the rule is either to wait till all the others are asleep, or else for all the pairs of a house to undertake to pay no attention to the rest. I could find no trace of any "voyeur" interest taken by the average boy, nor any tendency to exhibitionism. Indeed, when I was discussing the positions and technique of the sexual act, the statement was volunteered that there are speci ally unobtru sive ways of doing it "so as not to wake up the other people in the bukumatula. Each person is free to enter into erotic relationships with other partners, parti cularly during the harvest and lunar festivals. Occasionally there are manifestations of jealousy, but under certain circumstances even the display of jealousy is considered "indecent," as for example, in a case of mourning where young girls console the sorrowing men with sexual intercourse. In spite of everything or from the viewpoint of sexual economy, just because of aU this -the relationships are often (without external or internal coer cion) longer-lasting, more intense, and more gratifying than the ones which our sexually crippled youth are able to put together. They would never share a common meal, which, as we shaU later see, is a direct symbol of marriage proper. It is clear that ambitious scientific categories, such as "monogamy," "polygamy," "polyandry," or "promiscuity," have little application to sexual relations which are begun and sustained solely for the gratification of sexual need. Trobriand couples are just as much "monogamous" as they are poly gamous, and at feasts even promiscuous. These classifications are senseless in regard to Trobriand society, and have meaning and content only as they evince our attempts to give a scientific sheen to moral regulation. The real distinction between our society and the primitive one-and we particularly stress this point, since it sets the view point of sex-economy apart from all others, in every respect is not that the primitive one is polygamous or promiscuous and we are monogamous (the monogamous life located among some primitive societies by many sexologists and ethnologists can like wise never justify the claims of monogamy); the distinction is rather represented solely in the social ordering of the sex life and the different modes of having sex that stem from each. The physiological side of the sex activity, with everything determined by that, is quite the same here as there, apart from racial differ ences and the phylogenetic engraining of thousands of years of sexual repression (a w e ak ening of the somatic sexual re- the Imposition of Sexua l Mora l ity 1 17 sponse The fru strations of our sexologists confronted with primitive society arise precisely because the l atter know nothing of the various "-gamy" c ategories and their goal is simply sexu al gratification.

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