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The room should be kept well ventilated herbals extracts generic ayurslim 60 caps overnight delivery, but no draught should get to the patient verdure herbals ayurslim 60 caps on-line. Everyone going into the sick room should cover their head with a cap and wear a robe-covering over their clothes bestlife herbals buy discount ayurslim 60caps line, and on leaving the room should gargle or rinse their mouth with a solution of boric acid herbals incense buy ayurslim now, about one or two teaspoonfuls to a glass of water, the infant should not be nursed at the breast lest the breast become infected; the milk should be pumped out and fed to the infant with a bottle. If the infant has diarrhea milk must be stopped, the bowels irrigated, and no milk given until all danger from this source is past. Discharges from the bowels and the urine must be received in a vessel with an antiseptic solution in it like copperas, lime, etc. Cloths used to receive the discharge from the nose and mouth should be thrown in a vessel containing a solution of 1 to 2000 of corrosive sublimate and then burned. The nurse should wear a gauze protection over her nose and mouth when she is near the patient, and glasses, so that no sputum or discharge from the patient can enter these organs. When the nurse leaves the sick room for a rest or walk, she should change her clothes in an unused room and put them where they can air, wash her hands, face and hair in an antiseptic solution. Gargling the throat or spraying the nose and throat is cleansing and helpful; but in children it is sometimes hard to do this, for they may struggle and thus injure and weaken themselves more than they can be benefited by the spraying or gargling. Peroxide of hydrogen, one-sixth to onehalf to full strength, is good in many cases, used as a gargle and a swab. The persons doing this must take great care or the patient will cough and the discharge will go over them. Compound tincture of benzoin is good to use in the water for steaming; one-half to one tablespoonful to a quart of water. A tent can be made by putting a sheet over the four posts of the bed and steam vapor introduced under this covering. A harsh cough with increased difficulty in breathing may mean that the disease has extended to the larynx. I would rather a loving mother and father nurse a case any time than a selfish, lazy professional nurse. Some authors state it can be communicated either through the secretions or by direct contact, as in the act of kissing (Koplik). It is frequent in children from the second to the fourth year, but it is more common after than before the fourth year. The predisposing causes are exposure to wet and cold and bad hygienic surroundings. The small openings (Lacunae) of the tonsils become filled with products which form cheesy-looking masses, projecting from the openings of the (Crypts) hidden sacs. These frequently join together, the intervening tissue is usually swollen, deep red in color and sometimes a membrane forms on it in which case it may look like diphtheria. The fever rises rapidly and in the young child may reach 105 degrees in the evening of the first day. The infant is restless, peevish and wakeful at night; it breathes rapidly, and there is high fever and great weakness. Nursing is difficult, not only on account of the pain in swallowing, but because in the majority of cases there is more or less inflammation of the nose. The bowels are disturbed as a result of swallowing infectious secretions from the mouth with the food. In older children the tonsils are enlarged and the crypts plugged with a creamy deposit. The surface is covered with a deposit and the pillars of the fauces, uvula and pharynx may all be inflamed. In severe cases the symptoms all increase, and the parts become very much swollen. Then the inflammation gradually subsides, and in a week, as a rule, the fever is gone and the local conditions have greatly improved. A point of the greatest importance in diphtheria is that the membrane is not limited to the tonsils, but creeps up the pillars of the fauces or appears on the uvula. The diphtheric membrane when removed leaves a raw, bleeding, eroded surface; whereas, the membrane of follicular tonsilitis is easily separated as there is no raw surface beneath it. This will soon penetrate through to the tonsils; apply freely if the case is severe and later apply hot cloths if relief does not follow without. Persons having a tendency to them will seldom be sick if they gargle daily with a solution of peroxide of hydrogen and water in equal parts for adults. Peroxide diluted with five parts of water and used as a head spray will prevent catarrhal colds.

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